Why is global warming taking a break? Heat plummeting to the depths of the ocean may be to blame - but it will resume in a decade


A controversial pause in global warming may be due to heat vanishing into the depths of the Atlantic and Southern Oceans.

But surface temperatures will start rising again in a decade, according to scientists in the US.

The massive movement of heat is thought to explain why the rapid rate of climate change that marked the end of the 20th century has ground almost to a halt.

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A pause in global warming may be due to heat vanishing in the ocean. The top image shows global average surface temperatures, where black dots are yearly averages. The middle image of heat content, compared to the average, in the north Atlantic Ocean. The bottom image shows the salinity of the seawater

A pause in global warming may be due to heat vanishing in the ocean. The top image shows global average surface temperatures, where black dots are yearly averages. The middle image of heat content, compared to the average, in the north Atlantic Ocean. The bottom image shows the salinity of the seawater

A sudden shift in northern Atlantic salinity, making water saltier and dense, is believed to have triggered the effect.

'When it's heavy water on top of light water, it just plunges very fast and takes heat with it,' said Professor Ka-Kit Tung, one of the study authors from the University of Washington.

Since the turn of the century, little increase in the average temperature of the Earth's surface has been recorded.

At first the unexpected finding was thought to have been no more than a blip, but then it began to divide the scientific community.

More than a dozen theories have been proposed to explain the global warming 'hiatus' ranging from air pollution to volcanoes and sunspots.

'Every week there's a new explanation of the hiatus,' said Professor Tung. 

'Many of the earlier papers had necessarily focused on symptoms at the surface of the Earth, where we see many different and related phenomena. 

We looked at observations in the ocean to try to find the underlying cause.'

This schematic shows the trends in temperature and ocean atmosphere circulation in the Pacific over the past two decades. Colour shading shows observed temperature trends (°C per decade) during 1992-2011 at the sea surface. The bold and thin arrows show an overall acceleration of the Pacific Ocean moving warm, surface waters (indicated by the blue arrow) to below 700 metres beneath the surface

This schematic shows the trends in temperature and ocean atmosphere circulation in the Pacific over the past two decades. Colour shading shows observed temperature trends (°C per decade) during 1992-2011 at the sea surface. The bold and thin arrows show an overall acceleration of the Pacific Ocean moving warm, surface waters (indicated by the blue arrow) to below 700 metres beneath the surface

Professor Tung's team analysed recent recordings of deep sea temperatures from Argo floats, oceanographic sensors that can move vertically through the water column.

Water sampled at depths down to 6,500 feet (2,000 metres) showed an upsurge in heat sinking in around 1999, the year when global warming suddenly slowed down.

The scientists believe the downward migration of heated water, which is not seen in the Pacific ocean, is part of a naturally occurring cycle. 


The global average temperature has risen only slightly since 1998 – which is surprising, considering scientific climate models predicted considerable warming due to rising greenhouse gas emissions. 

Some people used this apparent contradiction to question climate change per se – or at least the harm potential caused by greenhouse gases – as well as the validity of the climate models. 

Meanwhile, the majority of climate researchers continued to emphasise that the short-term 'warming hiatus' could largely be explained on the basis of current scientific understanding and did not contradict longer term warming.

Recently, researchers have been looking into the possible causes of the warming hiatus over the past few years. 

In a separate study, ETH Zurich recently concluded that two important factors are equally responsible for the hiatus. One of the important reasons is natural climate fluctuations, of which the weather phenomena El Niño and La Niña in the Pacific are the most important, they claim. 

According to the study, the second important reason for the warming hiatus is that radiation from the sun has been weaker than predicted in the past few years.

'There are recurrent cycles that are salinity-driven that can store heat deep in the Atlantic and Southern oceans. After 30 years of rapid warming in the warm phase, now it's time for the cool phase,' Professor Tung said. 

The cycle starts when dense, salty water near Iceland starts to sink. This changes the speed of the huge Atlantic ocean current that circulates heat around the world.

Historical data suggests that similar events in the past have lasted for 20 to 35 years. 

The phenomenon may have been responsible for a cooling period between 1945 and 1975 which sparked fears of a new Ice Age.

Global warming is likely to pick up again in another 15 years or so, when heat returns to the surface waters, say the researchers.

British climate expert Professor Andrew Watson, from the University of Exeter, said: 'It will be very interesting to see whether their finding that during the last decade the heat has penetrated to depth mostly in the Southern and Atlantic Oceans stands up.

'It does make oceanographic sense however, because we know these are the major sites for deeper water formation - water from the surface Pacific does not penetrate nearly so deeply into the ocean.'

'The hiatus has a really interesting morphology,' said Piers Forster, Professor of Climate Change at the University of Leeds.

'This paper suggests that heat disappearing into the depths of the Atlantic and Southern oceans are the dominant cause. Their ideas seem fine but I'm also convinced there is more going on.

'Most importantly, this paper is another nail in the coffin of the idea that the hiatus is evidence that our projections of long-term climate change need revising down. 

'Variability in the ocean will not affect long-term climate trends but may mean we have a period of accelerated warming to look forward to.'

Shown here are the global monthly mean sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies from 1961-90. Sea surface temperature is the temperature of the top millimeter of the ocean's surface. An anomaly is a departure from average conditions. Some scientists believe winds in central and eastern parts of the Pacific have caused warm surface water to sink to the ocean's depths

Shown here are the global monthly mean sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies from 1961-90. Sea surface temperature is the temperature of the top millimeter of the ocean's surface. An anomaly is a departure from average conditions. Some scientists believe winds in central and eastern parts of the Pacific have caused warm surface water to sink to the ocean's depths



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