The Transformer robot that folds up like Japanese origami


A real-life Transformer has been created by scientists inspired by the Japanese paper-folding art of origami.

In tests, the small shape-changing robot folded itself into a functional machine that could walk and turn without human help.

But unlike the popular Transformers toys - robots that disguise themselves as cars and trucks - the device is not aimed at children but rather for other applications like search and rescue operations.

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In tests a small shape-changing robot, created by scientists inspired by the Japanese paper-folding art of origami, folded itself into a functional machine (shown) that could walk and turn without human help. Experts believe the assembly system could provide a cheap way to mass-produce robots with multiple applications

In tests a small shape-changing robot, created by scientists inspired by the Japanese paper-folding art of origami, folded itself into a functional machine (shown) that could walk and turn without human help. Experts believe the assembly system could provide a cheap way to mass-produce robots with multiple applications


The robot is built from five layers of materials, all cut according to digital specifications by a laser cutter. 

The middle layer is copper, etched into an intricate network of electrical leads. 

It's sandwiched between two structural layers of paper; the outer layers are composed of a shape-memory polymer that folds when heated.

After the laser-cut materials are layered together, a microprocessor and one or more small motors are attached to the top surface. 

In the prototype, that attachment was done manually, but it could instead be performed by a robotic 'pick and place' system.

Experts believe the assembly system could provide a cheap way to mass-produce robots with multiple applications.

They may be especially useful for accessing confined spaces, for instance when searching for survivors in collapsed buildings.

A 'flat pack' robot could be posted through a narrow gap or tunnel before expanding itself to full-size.

Origami is a traditional Japanese art that involves folding sheets of paper in cunning ways to form 3D shapes shapes resembling flowers, animals or decorative figures.


Drawing on the same principles, the scientists built a self-assembling four-legged robot from sheets of shape-memory plastic containing embedded electronics.

The team was from Harvard's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Once connected to a battery power supply, the flat composite heated up, folded, and transformed into a mobile robot in about four minutes.

The five-inch (12.7 cm) long device crawled away at a speed of more than two inches (five cm) per second and was also able to turn without assistance.

The flat composite (shown) heated up, folded, and transformed into a mobile robot in about four minutes

bears similar characteristics to the popular franchise Transformers (Optimus Prime from 2007 film, right)

The robot (left) is built from five layers of materials, all cut according to digital specifications by a laser cutter and bears similar characteristics to the popular franchise Transformers (Optimus Prime from 2007 film, right)

'Folding allows you to avoid the "nuts and bolts" assembly approaches typically used for robots or other complex electromechanical devices and it allows you to integrate components,' said Professor Rob Wood, who led the Harvard University team.

Colleague and doctoral student Sam Felton pointed out that traditional manufacturing required costly machinery and 3D printing was too slow for mass production.

But the components of folding robots could be produced rapidly and cheaply using standard tools such as laser cutters and printed circuit etching technology.

'Such manufacturing methods would be ideal for producing 100-1000 units,' said Mr Felton.

'These robots are inexpensive and their layered composites can be built faster than equivalent 3D printed structures.'

A software programme called 'Origamizer' was used to generate the crease patterns at the heart of the automated folding process, the researchers reported in the journal Science.

Other potential applications for the technology included its use in space exploration, self-folding shelters, and Ikea-style furniture that can assemble itself.


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