Stunning views of nebulas and the moon as seen from GARDEN SHED in Gloucester


An amateur astronomer has captured incredible images of space - from his garden shed.

Tommy Bowkett, 31, took advantage of several rare clear nights to use his telescopes to look into the night sky.

He took a number of images, captured over four days, and uploaded onto his computer, and he was amazed by the results.

Astronomer Thomas Bowkett took photos from his home in Barnwood, Gloucester over the course of four days. Among the stunning images was Pelican Nebula (pictured), that looks as it was taken by a Nasa probe

Astronomer Thomas Bowkett took photos from his home in Barnwood, Gloucester over the course of four days. Among the images was the Pelican Nebula (pictured), that looks as it was taken by a Nasa probe

Mr Bowkett, from Linden, Gloucestershire, said: 'It is not very often I use my telescope because we do not get very many clear nights here.

'I use the equipment at my parents' home in Barnwood for better views.

'It can take four nights to capture one image. The raw data then goes onto the computer and using different software it [is translated into one large] photo.'


Mr Bowkett captured stunning pictures of the Pelican Nebula, California Nebula, Pacman Nebula, Elephant's Trunk Nebula and the moon during his all-night viewing using several of his Skywatcher Equinox telescopes.

Desolate: The photographer also captured an incredibly detailed image of the moon (pictured), revealing its incredibly pock-marked surface

Desolate: The photographer also captured an incredibly detailed image of the moon (pictured), revealing its incredibly pock-marked surface

Star struck: This image of the Pacman Nebula was taken from Tommy Bowkett's parent's home in Barnwood, Gloucester. The Pacman Nebula, meanwhile, is located about 9,200 light years from Earth and, remarkably, almost 1,000 light years above the plane of the galaxy

Star struck: This image of the Pacman Nebula was taken from Tommy Bowkett's parent's home in Barnwood, Gloucester. The Pacman Nebula, meanwhile, is located about 9,200 light years from Earth and, remarkably, almost 1,000 light years above the plane of the galaxy


Pelican Nebula - 1,800 light years away from Earth

California Nebula - 1,800 light years away from Earth

Pacman Nebula - 9,200 light years from Earth

Elephant's Trunk Nebula - 2,400 light years away from Earth

His black and white image of the California Nebula shows billowing gas 1,800 light-years away from Earth.

The nebula is located within the same spur of the Orion spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy as Earth.

The Pacman Nebula, meanwhile, is located about 9,200 light years from Earth and, remarkably, almost 1,000 light years above the plane of the galaxy.

This gives astronomers a nearly unfettered view of the star formation within it.

Another image of the Elephant's Trunk Nebula shows an elongated dark globule within the constellation of Cepheus. This nebula is thought to be around 2,400 light years away from Earth. 

Striking: This stunning black and white image shows the California Nebula. The nebula is located within the same spur of the Orion spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy as Earth

Striking: This stunning black and white image shows the California Nebula. The nebula is located within the same spur of the Orion spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy as Earth

Glittering: Tommy Bowkett image of the Elephant's Trunk Nebula shows an elongated dark globule within the constellation of Cepheus. This nebula is thought to be around 2,400 light years away from Earth

Glittering: Tommy Bowkett image of the Elephant's Trunk Nebula shows an elongated dark globule within the constellation of Cepheus. This nebula is thought to be around 2,400 light years away from Earth

Mr Bowkett's passion for astronomy began when he was a child.

He said: 'Ever since I was small I wanted a telescope, then one day I decided to buy one.

'It cost £400, which was expensive at that time. Since I bought it three years ago I have had five different ones.

'I was a little bit disappointed when I first bought one as the views were not very clear because of light pollution.

'I then took up photography to help me create better angles and help me understand light pollution.

'I now have different pieces of equipment which help me capture images at different wavelengths. My favourite type of photo to capture is nebula.'

Inspiration: Mr Bowkett's passion for astronomy began when he was a child. He said: 'Ever since I was small I wanted a telescope, then one day I decided to buy one. 'It cost £400, which was expensive at that time. Since I bought it three years ago I have had five different ones'

Inspiration: Mr Bowkett's passion for astronomy began when he was a child. He said: 'Ever since I was small I wanted a telescope, then one day I decided to buy one. 'It cost £400, which was expensive at that time. Since I bought it three years ago I have had five different ones'



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