Saturn's rings formed 4.4 billion years ago: New evidence suggests they are '10 times' older than previously thought


How old are Saturn's rings? That's a question that has puzzled scientists for quite some time.

Some believe that they came to be in the last few hundred million years due to the accumulation of material, possibly from a destroyed moon.

But now evidence from the Cassini spacecraft suggests they have a much more ancient origin, coming into existence about 4.4 billion years ago.

How and when Saturn's rings formed (Cassini image shown) has continuously puzzled scientists. Most say that if they had an ancient origin of about 4.4 billion years then they should be dirtier than they are now. However, new evidence says they can be that old - their just aren't many pollutants for them to accumulate

How and when Saturn's rings formed (Cassini image shown) has continuously puzzled scientists. Most say that if they had an ancient origin of about 4.4 billion years then they should be dirtier than they are now. However, new evidence says they can be that old - their just aren't many pollutants for them to accumulate

As reported by Nature News, scientists at the University of Colorado found the rings are very poor at accumulating material.


Launch: 15 October 1997 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida

Dimensions: 22 feet (6.7 metres) high; 13.1 feet (4 meters) wide

Total weight: 5,712 kilograms (12,593 pounds) with fuel, Huygens probe, adapter, etc

Orbiter weight (unfueled): 2,125 kilograms (4,685 pounds)

Power: 885 watts (633 watts at end of mission) from radioisotope thermoelectric generators

Distance traveled to reach Saturn: 2.2 billion miles (3.5 billion kilometres)

Key instruments: Imaging radar, cosmic dust analyser, infrared mapping spectrometer 

It had been thought that, if the rings were up to 4.4 billion years old, then they should have turned black as they collected particles from elsewhere in the solar system.

However the scientists found the rate of accumulation was about 40 times lower than expected.

This explains why they are so clean, despite their age.

'If the pollution problem is not as severe, then the rings could last a lot longer before they turn black,' Dr Phillip Nicholson, a planetary scientist at Cornell University told Nature.

The research was presented by Dr Sascha Kempf, a space physicist at the University of Colorado.

It was based on data collected by Nasa's Cassini spacecraft, which is currently in orbit around Saturn.

With his colleagues, Dr Kempf found that, over seven years, the rings had accumulated just 140 particles from elsewhere in the solar system.

This rate of just 20 particles per year was 40 times less than expected, and suggests it is a lot less dusty out by Saturn than thought.

Other theories for the formation of the rings include the possibility that a moon was ripped apart in the past few hundred million years, creating vast amounts of debris around the gas giant planet. Here shadows can be seen cast across the rings in this image from Cassini

Other theories for the formation of the rings include the possibility that a moon was ripped apart in the past few hundred million years, creating vast amounts of debris around the gas giant planet. Here shadows can be seen cast across the rings in this image from Cassini

Nasa's Cassini spacecraft (illustration shown) launched on 15 October 1997 and arrived in orbit around Saturn on 30 June 2004. During this time it has dramatically increased our knowledge of this fascinating planetary system, revealing vast bodies of liquid on the surface of Titan, giant storms on Saturn and much more

Nasa's Cassini spacecraft (illustration shown) launched on 15 October 1997 and arrived in orbit around Saturn on 30 June 2004. During this time it has dramatically increased our knowledge of the planetary system, revealing vast bodies of liquid on the surface of Titan, giant storms on Saturn and much more

It also supports the theory that the rings are ancient - around 4.4 billion years.

'The rings can be three to ten times older than we used to think,' said Dr Larry Esposito, a planetary scientist at the University of Colorado Boulder.

One of the main pieces of evidence for Saturn's rings being so old comes from the abundance of water-ice in their composition.

The amount of water-ice is too much to have been brought to the rings by other means such as comets, suggesting they must have formed in the early solar system.

However others believe they formed much more recently when a moon was gravitationally ripped apart, while some say an unknown recycling process may keep them looking fresh.


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