Revealed: Henry VIII's right-hand man Cromwell was a party animal who loved to entertain and gamble


As one of the most dominant figures in British political history, his mastery of propaganda and ruthlessness have been well documented.

But it seems Thomas Cromwell, the trusted chief minister of Henry VIII and pioneer of the dissolution of hundreds of the Catholic church,  also had a wild side.

Previously unpublished documents, unearthed by a royal historian, have revealed the Machiavellian's taste extravagance and penchant for gambling.

Previously unearthed documents revealed the political figure had a taste for expensive wines and exotic animals 

Previously unearthed documents revealed the political figure had a taste for expensive wines and exotic animals 

Evidence of overflowing wine and food and a harem of exotic animals has been discovered by Tracy Borman, joint chief curator of Historic Royal Palaces, who has pored over his personal life to expose the intricacies of his character. 

Among her findings was mention of a £1,000 costume, purchased purely for the entertainment of the King, and the trail of £400 - the equivalent of around £120,000 today - on cakes and wine. 

Her research will be published alongside other previously unseen historical documents in Thomas Cromwell: The Untold Story of Henry VIII'S Most Faithful Servant next month.


During his meteoric rise to power, Cromwell's wife, Elizabeth, and their two daughters died of the plague. 

His son, Gregory, survived and was married to a sister of Jane Boleyn. 

As for the deaths of his wife and daughters, we know nothing of Thomas's heartbreak. 

He never remarried, instead devoting himself to the court and the transformation of Britain's religious history. 

It shows a more boisterous character than the one portrayed in Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall and in television dramas. 

'Piecing together details found in the many letters, notes and accounts that were seized upon his arrest, a fascinating and very personal portrayal emerges,' she told the Guardian

'He's somebody that you'd quite like to have at a dinner party. He's great fun.' 

It was revealed he kept around 100 horses, a 'cage of canary birds' and greyhounds, and had a particular appetite for gambling with dice.  

Born the son of an alehouse keeper around 1485 very little of Cromwell's early life is known other than that he hailed from Putney, west London.  

The political adviser, depicted in a sketch from 1530, was executed after failing to save the marriage of King Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves 

The political adviser, depicted in a sketch from 1530, was executed after failing to save the marriage of King Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves 

Cromwell, portrayed by James Frain in the Tudors (pictured right) in fact enjoyed extravagant parties and gambling 

Cromwell, portrayed by James Frain in the Tudors (pictured right) in fact enjoyed extravagant parties and gambling 

It is unclear what, if any, education he received but that he became fluent in Latin and Italian after fighting as a mercenary in the Italian wars of the early 16th century.

After amassing a small fortune in the Netherlands, he returned to England to become a lawyer. 

Cromwell was executed at the behest of King Henry VII (depicted) in 1540  

Cromwell was executed at the behest of King Henry VII (depicted) in 1540  

Paying his way through the Inns of Court, he advanced to become Master of the Rolls and was given the attention of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, for whom he would go on to become legal secretary in 1520. 

Three years later he became a member of parliament and began dissolving monasteries. His mentor, Cardinal Wolsey, fell out of favour with Henry VIII after failing to grant him a divorce from Catherine of Aragon. 

To spite him, the King broke from Rome and announced himself head of the English Church. 

As a result of the fall out, hundreds of religious houses and monasteries were closed under Cromwell's dutiful eye.

He was appointed to the Order of the Garter, the highest order of chivalry, for his service and made Earl of Essex in 1540. 

That year he convinced Henry VIII to marry Anne of Cleves after the execution of his second wife, Anne Boleyn and the death of his third, Jane Seymour. 

It is purported by historians the monarch hoped the union would bring him support against the Catholic church - his new bride a member of a Protestant defensive alliance. 

Neither the marriage or the alliance succeeded, and Henry VIII was forced to reveal why it hadn't in embarrassing detail in order to get an annulment.  

Furious with Cromwell, the marriage's fixer  who was already disliked with many members of the court, he withdrew his support.

He was swiftly charged with heresy, treason and corruption for his efforts to protect Anne of Cleves, and executed to the joy of the Duke of Norfolk at the Tower of London in July 1540. 




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