Could Greece's mystery tomb lie intact? Well-preserved headless sphinxes hint that grave dating back to Alexander the Great may be untouched


Archaeologists are hopeful that an ancient mound in northern Greece could hold the untouched remains of an important senior official from the time of Alexander the Great.

Excavations at the 'incredibly important' tomb have revealed a pair of sphinxes guarding the grave's entrance.

The two sculptures were found under an arch at the Kasta Tumulus site near ancient Amphipolis in Macedonia, Greece.

At 1,935ft (590m) wide, it is the largest burial of its kind ever discovered in Greece.

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Archaeologists are hopeful that an ancient mound in northern Greece could hold the remains of a senior official from the time of Alexander the Great. And now their suspicions the tomb is 'incredibly important' have been strengthened by the discovery that its entrance is guarded by a pair of sphinxes (pictured)

Archaeologists are hopeful that an ancient mound in northern Greece could hold the remains of a senior official from the time of Alexander the Great. And now their suspicions the tomb is 'incredibly important' have been strengthened by the discovery that its entrance is guarded by a pair of sphinxes (pictured)

Greece's Culture Ministry said that most of the earth around the mythical creatures has now been removed to reveal part of a marble lintel with frescoes.

Chief archaeologist Katerina Peristeri, believes that the monument being uncovered is a unique tomb, not just for Greece but for the entire Balkanic peninsula, and described it as being of 'global interest'. 


Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, who visited the tightly-guarded site two weeks ago, said the discovery 'is clearly extremely important' and dates between 325 and 300 B.C.

Alexander, who started from the northern Greek region of Macedonia to build an empire stretching as far as India, died in 323 B.C. and was buried in Egypt.

Archaeologists excavating an ancient mound in northern Greece (picutred) have uncovered what appears to be the entrance to an important tomb. It is believed to have been built at the end of the reign of warrior-king Alexander the Great and Prime Minister Antonis Samaras described the discovery as 'extremely important¿

Archaeologists excavating an ancient mound in northern Greece (picutred) have uncovered what appears to be the entrance to an important tomb. It is believed to have been built at the end of the reign of warrior-king Alexander the Great and Prime Minister Antonis Samaras described the discovery as 'extremely important'


Alexander (statue pictured) was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia in July 356 BC, and died of a fever in Babylon in June 323 BC

Alexander (statue pictured) was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia in July 356 BC, and died of a fever in Babylon in June 323 BC

Alexander III of Macedon was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia in July 356 BC.

He died of a fever in Babylon in June 323 BC.

Alexander led an army across the Persian territories of Asia Minor, Syria and Egypt claiming the land as he went.

His greatest victory was at the Battle of Gaugamela, now northern Iraq, in 331 BC, and during his trek across these Persian territories, he was said to never have suffered a defeat.

This led him to be known as Alexander the Great. 

Following this battle in Gaugamela, Alexander led his army a further 11,000 miles (17km), founded over 70 cities and created an empire that stretched across three continents.

This covered from Greece in the west, to Egypt in the south, Danube in the north, and Indian Punjab to the East.  

Alexander was buried in Egypt.

His fellow royals were traditionally interred in a cemetery near Vergina, far to the west. 

The lavishly-furnished tomb of Alexander's father, Philip II, was discovered during the 1970s. 

His fellow royals were traditionally interred in a cemetery near Vergina, to the west, where the lavishly-furnished tomb of Alexander's father, Philip II, was discovered during the 1970s.

But archaeologists believe the Amphipolis grave, which is surrounded by a surprisingly long and well-built wall with courses of marble decorations, may have belonged to a senior ancient official.

Dr Peristeri has argued the mound was originally topped by a large stone lion that was unearthed a century ago, and is now situated around 3 miles (5km) from the excavation site.

Geophysical teams have identified there are three main rooms within the huge circular structure, reported.

In the past, the lion has been associated with Laomedon of Mytilene, one of Alexander's military commanders who became governor of Syria after the king's death.

Greece's culture ministry said that most of the earth around the sphinx statues has now been removed to reveal part of a marble lintel with frescoes (pictured)

Greece's culture ministry said that most of the earth around the sphinx statues has now been removed to reveal part of a marble lintel with frescoes (pictured)

The tomb is situated in Amphipolis region of Serres in Greece (marked). Archaeologists believe the apparently unlooted grave may have belonged to a senior ancient official

The tomb is situated in Amphipolis region of Serres in Greece (marked). Archaeologists believe the grave may have belonged to a senior ancient official. While it looks largely undisturbed, there are fears that looting took place hundreds of years ago


In Greek tradition, the mythical sphinx has the haunches of a lion, sometimes with the wings of a great bird, and the face of a human - usually a woman.

It was described by writers as being treacherous and merciless.

In many myths, including Oedipus, those who could not answer a riddle posed by the monster, would be killed and eaten.

The sphinx described by the Ancient Egyptians was usually male and more benevolent.

In both cultures, they often guarded entrances to temples and important tombs.

The oldest sphinx found guarding a site was discovered in Turkey and dates to 9,500 BC.

'The excavation will answer the crucial question of who was buried inside,' Mr Samaras said.

Last week The Culture Ministry called for 'understanding' while the Amphipolis excavation proceeds.

The discovery has sparked global interest and wild speculation that it may contain rich treasures or the bones of an ancient celebrity.

The doorway of the tomb is covered in earth, with traces of painted plaster decoration.

'It's astonishing, the biggest tomb we have found in Greece so far,' said archaeologist Chryssoula Paliadelli, an expert on the period who is not involved in the excavation.

'It clearly shows the wealth that allowed construction of what was, at the time, a hugely costly monument.'

While the tomb appears to be undisturbed, there are fears that it could have been looted hundreds of years ago.

Part of a stone wall that blocked off the subterranean entrance is missing, while the sphinxes, which were originally six feet (2metres) high, lack heads and wings.

Near the sphinxes, excavators have found fragments of a large marble lion that originally capped the mound, which they say indicates the site was severely damaged and dug up in later antiquity.

The excavation is expected to last at least another few weeks.

Excavator Katerina Peristeri has argued the mound was originally topped by a large stone lion that was unearthed a century ago, and is now situated around 3 miles (5km) from the excavation site (pictured). The lion has been associated with Laomedon of Mytilene, one of Alexander's military commanders

Excavator Katerina Peristeri has argued the mound was originally topped by a large stone lion that was unearthed a century ago, and is now situated around 3 miles (5km) from the excavation site (pictured). The lion has been associated with Laomedon of Mytilene, who was one of Alexander's military commanders


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