Working on your finances? You'll make better decisions standing up - but lie on the ground to put together flat pack furniture, say scientists


You may benefit by staying on your feet to ponder abstract questions and by sitting down to tackle pragmatic matters, researchers have claimed.

They found that when test subjects believe they are physically higher up - on a tall stool or the top floor of a mall - they are more likely to consider a 'big-picture' approach to a decision.

They even say something as simple as sitting in a higher chair could improve your long-term financial planning.

Researchers say sitting on the ground is perfect for putting together furniture - as our brains have a more 'street level' practical approach.

Researchers say sitting on the ground is perfect for putting together furniture - as our brains have a more 'street level' practical approach.


Researchers say you might be more likely to buy serious tomes on the second floor of a bookstore, and to pick up lighter reading from the ground floor or basement

The top level of a shopping mall is where customers might consider acquiring a buyer-assembled, multi-functional piece of furniture, while the lower levels are better for simple, pre-fab products.

The study, conducted by University of Toronto Scarborough and Rotman School of Management marketing professor Pankaj Aggarwal reveals that when test subjects believe they are physically higher up – on a tall stool or a top floor – they are more likely to consider a 'big-picture' approach to a decision.

'It may be more effective for stores located on a higher level of a mall to promote rich features, superior functions, or performance of their products,' says Aggarwal.

'It may be more effective for stores on a lower level to promote feasibility aspects such as high convenience or ease of usage for their products.'

The researchers say it all has to do with a phenomenon known as 'mental construal,'


A person in a higher-level state of mental construal makes decisions based on questions of 'Why?' while lower-level mental construal focuses on the immediate logistics of 'How?'

sitting down could lead to poor long term decisions, the researchers warned

sitting down could lead to poor long term decisions, the researchers warned

It's the difference between 'Why do I need a new desk?' and 'How am I going to get this thing set up in my office?'

Over the course of six studies – including subjects sitting at different heights, being told they were on different floors of a building, and even doing a word search containing either the word 'high' or 'low', the team found that perceived physical height directly affected whether test subjects took a metaphorical '50,000-foot view' or 'street level' approach to decisions.

'Physical concepts get translated into more high-level mental concepts.

'Our studies have so far been more conceptual and theoretical in the lab,' says Aggarwal.

'Maybe at the grocery store the chocolates and the candies should be on the lower floor, but all the healthy green veggies should be on the higher.'

The study is available online and will appear in the upcoming edition of the Journal of Marketing Research.


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