Were aliens behind the UFOs spotted above Norway in the 1950s?


In the 1950s Norwegians were left stunned by a series of seemingly inexplicable UFO sightings.

Throughout the decade numerous lights in the sky were reported by members of the public and pilots alike, with some suggesting they were of extraterrestrial origin.

But now the mystery has apparently been solved, as the CIA has revealed it wasn't ET at all - rather, it was the agency flying their secretive U-2 aircraft high in the atmosphere.

In a tweet earlier this week the CIA claimed responsibility for numerous UFO sightings over Norway in the 1950s. At the time the agency carried out a study of over 1,200 UFO sightings and found over half of them could be attributed to their secretive U-2 aircraft, which began flying in secret from 1955 at over 60,000 feet

In a tweet earlier this week the CIA claimed responsibility for numerous UFO sightings over Norway in the 1950s. At the time the agency carried out a study of over 1,200 UFO sightings and found over half of them could be attributed to their secretive U-2 aircraft, which began flying in secret from 1955 at over 60,000 feet

In a tweet the CIA said: 'Remember reports of unusual activity in the skies in the '50s? That was us.'

The revelation originally came about through something known as Operation Blue Book in 1969.


Nicknamed 'Dragon Lady', the Lockheed U-2 is an ultra-high altitude reconnaissance aircraft operated by the United States Air Force (USAF).

The first flight of one of the single-engine planes was on 1 August 1955, with regular flights beginning in 1957.

It has an operational ceiling of 70,000 feet (21,000 metres), making it well-suited for spying missions.

It was used extensively throughout the Cold War, flying over the Soviet Union, Cuba and other countries.

They did not go completely undetected, however. One infamous incident occurred on 1 May 1960 when pilot Gary Powers was shot down during a reconnassiance flight over the Soviet Union.

The event marked a deterioration in relations between the two superpowers.

Powers was held prisoner until 10 February 1962, when he was released as part of a prisoners exchange with Soviet officer Rudolf Abel.

This was a systematic study of various UFO reports that sought to discover if the sightings were a threat to national security.


In the end the project determined that, of the 12,618 UFO reports collected, almost all of them could be attributed to misidentification of natural phenomena such as clouds, or conventional aircraft.

A number of reports, however, were revealed to be high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft such as the U-2 and A-12.

The secretive planes were able to fly above 60,000 feet (18,000 metres) but, as they were kept under wraps, pilots at the time didn't think anything man-made was flying that high.

So when they spotted sunlight glinting off planes much higher than they were flying, they occasionally thought that what they were seeing was out of this world.

'High-altitude testing of the U-2 soon led to an unexpected side effect - a tremendous increase in reports of unidentified flying objects (UFO's),' the CIA says in their book 'The CIA and the U-2 Program'.

'In the mid-1950s, most commercial airliners flew at altitudes between 10,000 and 20,000 feet [3,000 and 6,000 metres] and military aircraft like the B-47s and B-57s operated at altitudes below 40,000 feet.

'Consequently once U-2s started flying at altitudes above 60,000 feet [18,000 metres], air-traffic controllers began receiving increasing numbers of UFO reports.'

The CIA reports how these sightings in turn led to Operation Blue Book, which ultimately found that one-half of all UFO reports in the late 1950s and most of the 1960s were caused by UFOs.

But, at the time, they could not reveal this to the public.

The CIA has said that numerous UFO sightings in the 1950s and 1960s can be attributed to flights of its U-2 aircraft (Lockheed TR-1 pictured). The plane was flown in secret, unbeknown to regular pilots at the time, so when they saw sunlight glint off its wings much higher than them they would often report the sighting as a UFO

The CIA has said that numerous UFO sightings in the 1950s and 1960s can be attributed to flights of its U-2 aircraft (Lockheed TR-1 pictured). The plane was flown in secret, unbeknown to regular pilots at the time, so when they saw sunlight glint off its wings much higher than them they would often report the sighting as a UFO

One UFO expert, however, is not convinced by the CIA's claims.

'It is ironic that the CIA is now keen to declare that many high altitude UFO sightings were caused by their secret U2 aircraft missions,' Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, tells MailOnline.

'As early as 1962 a US engineer called Leon Davidson warned ufologists that the CIA was feeding them with false information to sustain the idea that UFOs were interplanetary vehicles.'

'In July 1952 there was a wave of UFO sightings over Washington DC that hit the newspaper headlines and led the CIA to convene a panel of experts to review the subject.

'This was headed by Dr. Howard P. Robertson and after four days they concluded that most sightings were caused by misidentification and a mild form of mass-hysteria.

'Regarding the latest "revelation" that the U2 aircraft caused a majority of UFO sightings is nothing new, and some have noted that it is significant that they should bring this to light on World UFO Day on 2 July.

'It is also noteworthy that they mention the U2 caused UFO sightings over Norway in the late 1950s, yet this does not explain a multitude of sightings over Norway and Denmark during the Nato 'Operation Mainbrace' exercises in 1952 before the U2 was built.'

In their study of UFO sightings the CIA also found that many of the reports could be attributed to saucer-shaped clouds such as a lenticular cloud, seen here. UFO expert Nigel Watson, however, isn't convinced by their claims, and finds it 'ironic' that they would make the 'revelation' on World UFO Day

In their study of UFO sightings the CIA also found that many of the reports could be attributed to saucer-shaped clouds such as a lenticular cloud, seen here. UFO expert Nigel Watson, however, isn't convinced by their claims, and finds it 'ironic' that they would make the 'revelation' on World UFO Day


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