The stunnig black and white maps that reveal just how much of Earth humans have taken over - and researchers say they show we have underestimated our impact


At first glance, they look like just another series of black and white satellite images.

But in fact, these groundbreaking images reveal in unprecedented detail the impact mankind has had on the Earth.

Researchers developed new technology to be able to spot individual houses - and say the resulting images show we have vastly underestimated the number of human settlements on the planet.

The population of Europe: Researchers created maps of the globe over two years, with human impact marked in black.

The population of Europe: Researchers created maps of the globe over two years, with human impact marked in black.


The overflights by the two radar satellites, TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X, covered the entire surface of Earth within two years.

This was possible as the sibling satellites are able to 'see' through clouds and can even record data at night.

The team of researchers processed and evaluated a total of 180,000 individual images and more than 308 terabytes of data for the precise Global Urban Footprints project.

Scientists from the German Aerospace Center created the images using data acquired by the German radar satellites TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X.

The black and white maps taken from an altitude of over 500 kilometres show the world's cities, villages and groups of houses wiggling along the course of rivers, following the lines of roads and rail tracks or spreading out into the arable countryside - and are the most accurate ever produced.


'Radar technology and the fully automated evaluation methodology enable us to record the characteristic vertical structures of settled areas, meaning primarily the buildings,'said Thomas Esch from the German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) within DLR.

'We think that the developed areas around the world are far larger than we have estimated so far,'

The resolution of three metres used for the radar images allows the satellites to detect even individual buildings.

The American metropolis of Los Angeles spreads out over a vast area. Given that vertical structures reflect the radar signals from the DLR satellites TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X better than flat structures, this map is able to show the particularly dense build-up found in Los Angeles and its typical block-shaped pattern. The areas shaded white that contain no vertical structures indicate highways or airports.

The American metropolis of Los Angeles spreads out over a vast area. Given that vertical structures reflect the radar signals from the DLR satellites TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X better than flat structures, this map is able to show the particularly dense build-up found in Los Angeles and its typical block-shaped pattern. The areas shaded white that contain no vertical structures indicate highways or airports.

This image shows that the largest settlements along the river Rhine have grown in the region between Cologne (on the left in the image) and Bonn, numerous smaller villages are also dotted across the surrounding rural regions.
This image shows that the largest settlements along the river Rhine have grown in the region between Cologne (on the left in the image) and Bonn, numerous smaller villages are also dotted across the surrounding rural regions.

This image shows that the largest settlements along the river Rhine have grown in the region between Cologne (on the left in the image) and Bonn, numerous smaller villages are also dotted across the surrounding rural regions. however, they are not visible in the traditional satellite images (right)

'With the precision that the satellite images provide, the images may indeed show chimneys, pylons or even road signs; but they might be large individual trees in the African landscape or rocky outcrops in the desert.

The overflights by the two radar satellites, TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X, covered the entire surface of Earth within two years.

This was possible as the sibling satellites are able to 'see' through clouds and can even record data at night.

'This is a decisive advantage of radar technology compared to optical satellites', says Thomas Esch.

'Optical technology always involves laborious piecing together of scenes undisturbed by clouds.'

The task facing the scientists was to calibrate the automatic survey process in such a way that structures like trees or lampposts would not be recorded, while individual houses could still be detected.

This produced maps with a resolution of 12 metres that show urban structures, and hence the proportion of settled areas, the regional population distribution and the arrangement of rural and urban areas.

The German capital of Berlin, which researchers say shows a compact structure: the centres is densely developed and dominates - but does spread along the infrastructure such as roads and pervades the surrounding region

The German capital of Berlin, which researchers say shows a compact structure: the centres is densely developed and dominates - but does spread along the infrastructure such as roads and pervades the surrounding region

Over 9 million people live cramped together in the centre of the Japanese capital, Tokyo. But the city has long since merged with other cities, such as Yokohama, themselves numbering over a million inhabitants. The radar data from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) satellites TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X show how nature imposes limits on the urban sprawl, enclosing the metropole between the ocean and the mountains.
Over 9 million people live cramped together in the centre of the Japanese capital, Tokyo. But the city has long since merged with other cities, such as Yokohama, themselves numbering over a million inhabitants. The radar data from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) satellites TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X show how nature imposes limits on the urban sprawl, enclosing the metropole between the ocean and the mountains.

Over 9 million people live cramped together in the centre of the Japanese capital, Tokyo. But the city has long since merged with other cities, such as Yokohama, themselves numbering over a million inhabitants. The radar data from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) satellites TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X show how nature imposes limits on the urban sprawl, enclosing the metropole between the ocean and the mountains.caption here

The team of researchers processed and evaluated a total of 180,000 individual images and more than 308 terabytes of data for the precise Global Urban Footprints project.

'Until now there has been no global record of settlement patterns with this kind of regional specificity', they say.

Previous global evaluations have not been able to record smaller villages, as the resolution of the satellites was no better than 300 metres.

Small-scale structures do play an extremely important role, though, as the increase in settlements has an ever-growing influence on farmland and untouched regions in rural areas.

Previous estimates suggested that between one and three percent of Earth's surface is covered by settlements.

The initial results of the radar data evaluation show, however, that the proportion of developed areas has been frequently underestimated.

'Even if we are merely talking about a few percentage points, they are of substantial practical relevance if we consider the immense ecological, economic and social impact of settlements, above all the urban conurbations', says Esch.

Minneapolis and the surrounding rural regions. The area's history has defined the settlement patterns: farmers received large, usually rectangular parcels of land, which prompted them to construct their farmhouses far apart.

Minneapolis and the surrounding rural regions. The area's history has defined the settlement patterns: farmers received large, usually rectangular parcels of land, which prompted them to construct their farmhouses far apart.

The Brazilian metropolis of São Paulo is densely developed and situated at a small distance from the coast. But the maps created using DLR radar data also show urban structures stretching along the coastline.

The Brazilian metropolis of São Paulo is densely developed and situated at a small distance from the coast. But the maps created using DLR radar data also show urban structures stretching along the coastline.


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