The 'space sex geckos' are OKAY! Russia regains control of satellite with important biology experiment on board


Russia has re-established contact with a satellite containing geckos designed to test the effects of weightlessness on reproduction.

The lives of the geckos, along with other animals on board including fruit flies, were feared at risk when engineers were unable to communicate with Foton-M4 following its launch on 19 July

But the spacecraft is now back in the hands of ground control and the mission can safely continue towards a planned landing on Earth in September.

A satellite containing five geckos has been saved. The five lizards are flying in the Gecko-F4 experiment aboard the satellite (ground control experiment shown). They are being observed to see how their bodies and sexual behaviour are affected by microgravity

A satellite containing five geckos has been saved. The five lizards are flying in the Gecko-F4 experiment aboard the satellite (ground control experiment shown). They are being observed to see how their bodies and sexual behaviour are affected by microgravity


Five lizards are flying on the Gecko-F4 experiment aboard the satellite.

Contained in a small room, they are being observed to see how their bodies and sexual behaviour are affected by microgravity.

The species being used is the Mauritius ornate day gecko (Phelsuma ornate), according to Spaceflight 101, which can reach up to 4.7 inches (12 centimetres) in length.

Inside their habitat is a ventilation system to supply fresh air, food for two months, environmental control in the form of temperature and light and a waste disposal system.

A video camera is being used to monitor their behaviour and any eggs that are produced.

These are expected to hatch after 40 days, which means they will hatch while the mission is still in space - an important goal that would assess the effects of microgravity on birth.

The geckos and their offspring will be assessed on their return to Earth in September.

'We have conducted several communication sessions, and the link is stable,' head of Roscosmos Oleg Ostapenko said, reports Russia Today.

'We are sure that we will be able to conduct 90 per cent of what we initially planned.'

Communication was made on the spacecraft on Saturday night.


The Foton-M series of satellites are a continuation of the Russian Bion spacecraft, which are intended to observe the effects of space travel on different species.

Aside from geckos this particular satellite also has other biological experiments on board including fruit flies and mushrooms from both Russia and Germany.

The two-month mission will monitor by video how well the geckos sexually reproduce in space before returning them safely to Earth.

The reason communication was lost with the 6.8-ton satellite isn't known, but Roscosmos thinks it may have been due to impact with space debris or a mechanical failure.

The satellite will be studied on its return to Earth in September to see what the cause was.

If it does turn out to be space debris, this will be cause for concern; it is estimated there are 22,000 man-made objects four inches (10 cm) or larger in Earth orbit.

And there are some fears Earth orbit may become polluted to such an extent that many spacecraft are at risk.

The biological experiment launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan last week. Ground controllers had been unable to communicate with the Foton-M4 satellite (illustration shown). The Foton series of satellites are designed to perform biological experiments in space

The biological experiment launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan last week. Ground controllers had been unable to communicate with the Foton-M4 satellite (illustration shown). The Foton series of satellites are designed to perform biological experiments in space

Following the launch, the satellite had been failing to respond to commands to start its engine and move to a higher orbit, according to the Progress space firm.

However, the rest of its systems were operating nominally, which means the animals on board remained alive.

'The equipment which is working in automatic mode, and in particular the experiment with the geckos is working according to the programme,' said Oleg Voloshin after lanch, a spokesman of Russia's Institute of Medico-Biological Problems, which is running the experiment.

Progress said the design of the Foton-M4 'allows for the functioning of the satellite in automatic mode for a long time.'

Regaining control over the satellite's engine was needed to ensure its controlled return to Earth as planned in two months to recover the geckos for further study.

At the moment the spacecraft is still orbital height of about 155 miles (250 kilometres).

The original mission specification, however, called for the spacecraft to be raised to an altitude of 357 miles (575 km).

The planned burn to get the spacecraft to this height did not occur after the launch due to a malfunction, leaving it stuck in a lower orbit.

However, Russian space officials will decide today whether to attempt moving the satellite into a higher orbit, or they may consider leaving it where it is if the goals of the mission can still be attained.

The capsule will re-enter Earth's atmosphere in mid-September and land via parachute in southern Russia.

Pictured is the launch of the satellite on a Soyuz rocket from Baikonur in the early hours of 19 July. Aside from geckos this particular satellite also has other biological experiments on board including fruit flies and mushrooms. It is a continuation of Russia's Bion series of satellites

Pictured is the launch of the satellite on a Soyuz rocket from Baikonur in the early hours of 19 July. Aside from geckos this particular satellite also has other biological experiments on board including fruit flies and mushrooms. It is a continuation of Russia's Bion series of satellites


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