The photobomb that really is out of this world: Nasa's solar spacecraft has its clear view on the sun ruined by the moon


It could be the biggest photobomb in history.

Nasa's solar observing spacecraft had its uninterrupted view of the sun rudely ruined - by the moon.

On July 26, the moon crossed between Nasa's Solar Dynamics Observatory and the sun, a phenomenon called a lunar transit.

Now THAT'S a photobomb: On July 26, 2014, from 10:57 a.m. to 11:42 a.m. EDT, the moon crossed between NASA¿s Solar Dynamics Observatory and the sun.

Now THAT'S a photobomb: On July 26, 2014, from 10:57 a.m. to 11:42 a.m. EDT, the moon crossed between NASA¿s Solar Dynamics Observatory and the sun.


This animated gif shows the path of the moon across the Solar Dynamics Observatory's field of view for this lunar transit.

The high-definition space observatory orbits the Earth in a very special way that our planet rarely slips into shot.

This happens approximately twice a year, causing a partial solar eclipse that can only be seen from SDO's point of view.

Images of the eclipse show a crisp lunar horizon, because the moon has no atmosphere that would distort light.


This is very different to when the Earth blocks the solar view and you can see the hazy upper atmosphere allowing some of the brightest active regions penetrate.

The SDO has been continuously watching the sun since 2009.

The high-definition space observatory orbits the Earth in a very special way that our planet rarely slips into shot.

The moon, however, crosses its path approximately twice a year.

By blending different SDO wavelengths, Nasa can get an enhanced image of the sun. This image was the blended result of images taken in 304 wavelength and 171 wavelength.

By blending different SDO wavelengths, Nasa can get an enhanced image of the sun. This image was the blended result of images taken in 304 wavelength and 171 wavelength.

The same image in 171 wavelength. eruptions on the solar surface can clearly be seen, while swirls of gas are ejected during storms.

The same image in 171 wavelength. eruptions on the solar surface can clearly be seen, while swirls of gas are ejected during storms.

Red hot! The 304 wavelength is emitted from the chromosphere and transition region. SDO images of this wavelength are typically colorized in red.

Red hot! The 304 wavelength is emitted from the chromosphere and transition region. SDO images of this wavelength are typically colorized in red.


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