Smell you later: Gorillas use their BO as a form of communication with others


Gorillas use their smell as a form of communication to other gorillas, researchers have found.

Researchers say the animals use the unusual form of communication in thick African forests, where other methods are tough.

They also believe that the silverback, dominant make of the group is particularly adept at using smells.

Gorillas at London Zoo: Researchers say the animals use the unusual form of communication in thick African forests, where other methods are tough.

Gorillas at London Zoo: Researchers say the animals use the unusual form of communication in thick African forests, where other methods are tough.


Researchers  spent 12 months following a wild male silverback gorilla in the Central African Republic rainforest as the ape tended to his harem and fended off competitors.

The gorilla, whom they named Makumba, was a dominant male whose babies had a high survival rate

Scientists analyzed odor strength in relation to arousal levels in the silverback.

Scientists determined the factors that predicted extreme levels of odor emission from the silverback.

According to the results, the male silverback may use odor as a modifiable form of social communication, where context-specific chemical-signals may moderate the social behaviors of other gorillas.

The study published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE, was carried out by the University of Stirling.

Researchers  spent 12 months following a wild male silverback gorilla in the Central African Republic rainforest as the ape tended to his harem and fended off competitors.

The gorilla, whom they named Makumba, was a dominant male whose babies had a high survival rate

Makumba broadcasted his scent when he encountered other gorillas, as if to say, 'I am strong, powerful and here, protecting my females and babies,' researchers Phylis Lee told Live Science.

Other times, when strange and potentially threatening silverbacks were near, Makumba abruptly shut off his scent.

"We think he was then trying not to tell the other male where and who he was," Lee said.

Mammals communicate socially through visual, auditory, and chemical signals.

The chemical sense is in fact the oldest sense, shared by all organisms including bacteria, and mounting evidence suggests that humans also participate in social chemical signaling.

'Our results suggest that silverback odor strength can be 'turned up' or 'turned down' as well as 'turned on' or 'turned off' as a function of the context and relationship between the emitter and perceiver, and that varying odor intensities may communicate different context specific types of information, the researchers wrote.

However, not much is known about this type of signaling in closely related hominoids, like wild apes.

To better understand chemical -communication in apes, scientists in this study analyzed odor strength in relation to arousal levels in a wild group of western lowland gorillas in the Central African Republic, specifically focusing on the male silverback, or the mature leader of the group.

Scientists determined the factors that predicted extreme levels of odor emission from the silverback.

They hypothesized that if gorilla scent were being used as a social signal, instead of only a sign of arousal or stress, odor emission would depend on social context and would vary depending on the gorilla's relationship to other gorillas.

According to the results, the male silverback may use odor as a modifiable form of social communication, where context-specific chemical-signals may moderate the social behaviors of other gorillas.

Mark, a giant Silverback feeds on the Sabinio volcano.  Researchers believe that the silverback, the dominant male of the group, is particularly adept at using smells to communicate.

Mark, a giant Silverback feeds on the Sabinio volcano. Researchers believe that the silverback, the dominant male of the group, is particularly adept at using smells to communicate.

The authors predicted extreme silverback odor, where the odor was the only element that could be smelled in the surrounding air, by the presence and intensity of interactions between different gorilla groups such as silverback anger, distress and long-calling auditory rates, and the absence of close proximity between the silverback and the mother of the youngest infant.

The authors suggest that odor communication between apes may be especially useful in Central African forests, where limited visibility may necessitate increased reliance on other senses.

Michelle Klailova added, 'No study has yet investigated the presence and extent to which chemo–communication may moderate behaviour in non-human great apes.

'We provide crucial ancestral links to human chemo-signaling, bridge the gap between Old World monkey and human chemo-communication, and offer compelling evidence that olfactory communication in hominoids is much more important than traditionally thought.'


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