Shaken or WHIRRED? Flying drones that work as bartenders could soon be serving drinks in your home


Tired of arduously making your own cocktail when you get home after a hard day of work?

Then you might want to invest in Yura, a concept from Ukrainian design student Herman Haydin that will make your drink and then fly it to you.

The robot drone bartender cap apparently make a healthy cocktail, tea or coffee with accurate numbers of calories for your body.

Ukrainian design student Herman Haydin has revealed his idea for flying robot bartenders (shown). Called Yura the concept is part of the 2014 Electrolux Design Lab contest. The flying drones would be capable of making hot and cold drinks and then serving them

Ukrainian design student Herman Haydin has revealed his idea for flying robot bartenders (shown). Called Yura the concept is part of the 2014 Electrolux Design Lab contest. The flying drones would be capable of making hot and cold drinks and then serving them

The ambitious design is just one among dozens of finalists in the Electrolux Design Lab competition that also includes robot fish that clean your clothes and free-floating fridge bubbles.


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'The main idea in the Yura concept is making custom cocktails or fresh juices for you,' says Harmin, from the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture.

The drone can be filled with liquid and then would be capable of pouring them in cups of different sizes: 0.25, 0.33 or 0.5 litres (8.5, 11.2 and 17.6 ounces).


Once a drink is poured on a flat surface the robot picks the beverage up and flies it to you.

Yura, named after a 'fine barman' at Harmin's university, would be in the form of a Parrot AR.Drone.

Water and other liquids stored on the robot would be temperature-controlled, so it could be heated or cooled as needed.

A logo on the side of the robot would show you how much liquid is inside and also its temperature.

The 'smart brain' of the robot, which is Wi-Fi enabled, could respond to voice commands.

And Yura could also to tell you the number of calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins in your drink.

Yura, named after a 'fine barman' at Harmin's university, would be in the form of a Parrot A.R. Drone. Somewhat unnervingly, the robot will also come and find you and wake you up with a drink in the morning, if you desire, as it is supposedly capable of tracking people down

Yura, named after a 'fine barman' at Harmin's university, would be in the form of a Parrot A.R. Drone. Somewhat unnervingly, the robot will also come and find you and wake you up with a drink in the morning, if you desire, as it is supposedly capable of tracking people down

'Here you can see the family of tomorrow,' says Haydin. 'They have their own Yura droids. Robots are making fresh juices for them.' The robot would be capable of making hot and cold drinks, while a logo on the side would tell you the state of the liquid inside

'Here you can see the family of tomorrow,' says Haydin. 'They have their own Yura droids. Robots are making fresh juices for them.' The robot would be capable of making hot and cold drinks, while a logo on the side would tell you the state of the liquid inside

Harmin even claims the ambitious design would be self-recharging.

'The accumulator is a kinetic system that uses kinetic energy of droid,' he says.

'So you don't carry about his energy. He is working like luxury Japanese watches.'

Somewhat unnervingly, the robot will also come and find you and wake you up with a drink in the morning, if you desire, as it is supposedly capable of tracking people down.

Yura is one of many innovative design concepts in the Electrolux Design Lab competition, the winner of which will receive £4,000 ($6,800) and a 6-month internship at an Electrolux global design centre.

Of the many other designs one, called Pecera, is a tank that contains robot fish.

When clothes are put inside the tank the fish will apparently eat dirt on the clothes and clean them.

Another bizarre concept is the U-Bubble, a floating refrigerator that you can store food inside.

It uses magnetic forces to float, with the ceiling being the magnetic force provider, and the bubbles can be controlled by a smartphone for you to open them and access the food.

Yura is one of many designs in the Electrolux competition, which is looking for ideas that will be in the 'homes of tomorrow'. One of the other concepts is Pecera, illustrated here, which is a tank that contains robot fish that clean dirt of clothes placed inside

Yura is one of many designs in the Electrolux competition, which is looking for ideas that will be in the 'homes of tomorrow'. One of the other concepts is Pecera, illustrated here, which is a tank that contains robot fish that clean dirt of clothes placed inside

Another bizarre concept is the U-Bubble, a floating refrigerator that you can store food inside. It uses magnetic forces to float, with the ceiling being the magnetic force provider, and the bubbles can be controlled by a smartphone for you to open them and access the food

Another bizarre concept is the U-Bubble, a floating refrigerator that you can store food inside. It uses magnetic forces to float, with the ceiling being the magnetic force provider, and the bubbles can be controlled by a smartphone for you to open them and access the food


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