Could having a fat face can make you RICH? Men with wide faces earn £1,300 more than colleagues with narrow heads, study claims


Men with wide faces have been getting a bad reputation lately.

Scientists had previously suggested large faces were prone to being more aggressive, untrustworthy and deceitful.

But now there may be good news for the likes of Alan Sugar and Wayne Rooney. Researchers in the U.S. claim people with wide faces are more likely to get a bonus compared with their thin-faced rivals.

There may be good news for the likes of Alan Sugar (left) and Wayne Rooney (right). Researchers in the U.S claim people with wide faces are more likely to get a bonus compared with thin-faced rivals

Fuller faced workers earn £1,300 more than those with narrow faces when asking for a bonus, the study found.

However, researchers said this comes with a compromise. Wide faced people fared less well when it came to business negotiations.

And men who are more attractive are better collaborators compared to less attractive men, they said.

Previous research based on the 'facial width-to-height ratio' found individuals behave more selfishly when interacting with men with wider faces.

On average, fuller faced workers such as Simon Cowell on the left earn £1,300 more than those with narrow faces (such as that of David Tennet on the right) when asking for a bonus, the study found

This research claims that while men with wider faces are more likely to lie and cheat, they tend to lead more financially successful firms.


It is an established fact that someone with a long face is probably feeling a bit sorry for themselves - but scientists say people with wide faces are untrustworthy.

Research has shed new light on the motives of 'wide boys' who are more likely to lie and cheat than their thinner faced contemporaries.

But the study also showed that those with larger faces, such as former Prime Minister Gordon Brown and disgraced former U.S. President Richard Nixon, were more cut-throat and therefore more likely to be successful, particularly in business or in politics.

Psychologists from Canada gave 150 men an exercise to complete where they had to roll virtual dice on a screen and then manually write down their score.

They were told that the number they recorded would correspond to the number of tickets they received in a lottery. The researcher then left the room while they completed the task.

But software secretly recorded the real total allowing the psychologists to compare it with what the respondent had entered. About 20 per cent - or one in five - of the men who took part cheated, all of whom had wide face. 

'We negotiate everyday whether we think about it or not,' said University of California's Professor Michael Haselhuhn.

'It's not just the big things, like a car or a home. It's what time your kid is going to go to bed or what you or your spouse are going to have for dinner.

'These studies show that being a man with a wider face can be both a blessing and a curse and awareness of this may be important for future business success.'

The study by University of California's Riverside's School of Business Administration set up four experiments to reach their conclusion.

The first involved bonus negotiations while the second found men with wider faces selling a chemical plant negotiated a higher sale price than men with a more narrow face.

When those same wide-faced men were in the buyer role they negotiated a lower price than the narrow-faced men.

In the third negotiating scenario, in which a creative solution was needed to bridge a gap on a property deal wider-faced men were less successful in the negotiation.

In the final scenario the more attractive men were more successful in the negotiation in the property deal.

The study was published online in the journal 'The Leadership Quarterly.'



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