Big BOUNCE theory's loop quantum gravity could explain origins of the universe

It was the discovery that shook the world of physics - back in March scientists using the Bicep2 telescope in Antarctica found evidence for the period after the Big Bang.

Since that discovery, however, questions have arisen not only on its validity, but also its implications for science as a whole.

And now if might force us to reconsider how the universe formed, with some suggesting the cosmos didn't start with a Big Bang but rather a 'Big Bounce'.

Researchers say that our universe may have begun as a Big Bounce rather than just a Big Bang. It suggests that our universe didn¿t necessarily begin from a singularity, but rather 'rebounded' from the collapse of a previous universe, sort of like how a spring (shown) becomes harder to compress as it is squashed

Researchers say that our universe may have begun as a Big Bounce rather than just a Big Bang. It suggests that our universe didn¿t necessarily begin from a singularity, but rather 'rebounded' from the collapse of a previous universe, sort of like how a spring (shown) becomes harder to compress as it is squashed

The theory was published in Physical Review Letters by a team of Chinese and Canadian researchers, and follows up on previous work from other scientists, notably Martin Bojowald of Pennstlvania State University in June 2007.

The Big Bounce theory states that our universe didn't necessarily begin from a singularity, but rather 'rebounded' from the collapse of a previous universe.

And evidence for this apparently exists in the data from the Bicep2 experiment.


One of the causes for contention from Bicep2 was that it disagreed with previous experiments for how light should scatter in the universe, reports Ars Technica.

This meant either one of the experiments was wrong, or our theories for the universe were not quite correct.

The researchers in their paper 'Evidence for Bouncing Evolution Before Inflation After Bicep2' have suggested it may be the latter, if the Big Bounce theory holds true.


Astronomers in March using the Bicep2 telescope in Antarctica detected what happened in the first billionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang.

This is a very brief moment of time at the beginning of everything when the universe expanded very rapidly - a theory called cosmic inflation.

According to Albert Einstein when something very explosive like this happens it leaves ripples in space-time known as 'gravitational waves'.

The very first gravitational waves can tell us about the birth of the universe and scientists have discovered they leave imprints in cosmic microwave background radiation - the afterglow of the Big Bang - as they pass through space.

The theory suggests that this initial spurt would have taken the infant universe from something infinitely small to something close to the size of a marble.

'It's just unbelievable quite honestly,' Professor Peter Ade, who helped build the instrument that detected the waves, told MailOnline.

'This is confirming what is, to me, a wacky idea. The next step is quite clear; to confirm the data with another technology.'

The Bicep2 telescope in Antarctica is seen here at twilight. The telescope has led to significant new results on the early universe, although its recent results have been called into question. The Keck Array telescope and the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station can be seen in the background

The Bicep2 telescope in Antarctica is seen here at twilight. The telescope has led to significant new results on the early universe, although its recent results have been called into question. The Keck Array telescope and the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station can be seen in the background

The theory relies upon something known as loop quantum gravity (LGQ), which is a way of unifying quantum mechanics and general relavity, itself a manifestation of gravity's effect on the universe.

In basic terms it states the universe can be seen like a fabric of 'woven' loop that gives space itself an atomic structure, like matter.

Under LQG the gravity would become repulse as the universe became more dense, sort of like how a spring becomes harder to compress as it is squashed.

So, if the universe did collapse, it would eventually expand again when it reached a particular size.

This process of expanding is known as inflation, evidence for which was found by Bicep2.

In this model there would be no Big Bang as we know it, with the universe starting as an infitiely dense singularity, but there would have been a moment the universe expanded from a small size, itself a Big Bang of sorts.

This would solve the question of what came before the Big Bang, as it would simply have been the universe contracting before reaching its smallest possible size, and then expanding again.

It will take further observations from Bicep2 and other telescopes, however, to explain if this is correct or not.

The Big Bounce theory relies upon something known as loop quantum gravity (LGQ), which is a way of unifying quantum mechanics and general relativity (stock image shown). It will take further observations from Bicep2 and other telescopes, however, to explain if this is correct or not

The Big Bounce theory relies upon something known as loop quantum gravity (LGQ), which is a way of unifying quantum mechanics and general relativity (stock image shown). It will take further observations from Bicep2 and other telescopes, however, to explain if this is correct or not


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