Backtracker radar lets cyclists know how fast cars are approaching behind them


Even seasoned cyclists complain that they need eyes in the back of their heads to stay safe on the road.

And now a team of entrepreneurs have created a radar for cyclists that gives riders the speed and distance of vehicles coming up behind them.

A rear-mounted light also warns motorists of the cyclist's presence by flashing furiously the closer they get.

A team of entrepreneurs have created a radar for cyclists comprised of two bike-mounted gadgets (illustrated) that gives riders the speed and distance of vehicles coming up behind them

A team of entrepreneurs have created a radar for cyclists comprised of two bike-mounted gadgets (illustrated) that gives riders the speed and distance of vehicles coming up behind them


Maximum vehicle range: 150yards (140m)

Maximum vehicle speed to track: 100mph (160kph)

Battery endurance: 8hrs

Weight of devices: 80g and 50g

Connectivity: Bluetooth low energy

Price: $199

Estimated shipping date: December 2014

A band of South African computer scientists and engineers created Backtracker to give cyclists a 'sixth sense' and are now raising money to put it into production on crowd funding site Dragon Innovation.


They wrote on their fundraising page: 'As cyclists, we know the joy of taking to the open road. We also know the dangers, and rear approaching vehicles represent the worst kind.

'We don't always hear them approaching, and motorists are often blissfully unaware of cyclists.

'In 2010 we set the task of solving this challenge in the hope of gaining some peace of mind while enjoying the fresh air.'

A handlebar mounted device (pictured left) gives cyclists the speed and distance of vehicles coming up behind them
A rear-mounted smart light warns drivers of a cyclist's presence by flashing increasingly furiously the closer they get

A handlebar mounted device (pictured left) gives cyclists the speed and distance of vehicles coming up behind them, while a rear-mounted smart light (right) warns drivers of a cyclist's presence by flashing increasingly furiously the closer they get

Comprised of two gadgets that clip onto a bike, the system has been designed to allay fears of being hit from behind by a car.

A microradar mounted on the handlebars detects and tracks cars behind a bike.

It gives a cyclist the speed and distance of rear approaching vehicles from up to 150 yards (140 metres) away.

A green light represents the cyclist's position on the gadget and a white light moves closer to it to reveal the position of a car as it closes in on the cyclist.

'The beauty of a radar is that it can see through rain and fog,' the firm, iKubu's, managing director, Franz Struwig explained.

The company says that this gadget allows cyclists to know what is going on behind him so they can focus on the road ahead.

Another unit, displayed on the back of a bike, uses an intelligent system to increase the frequency of a flashing light, the closer a driver gets to a cyclist.

'Backtracker really serves as a sixth sense, giving you information so you can make the best decisions in a situation,' Mr Struwig added.

A band of South African computer scientists and engineers created Backtracker to give cyclists a 'sixth sense'. They said it is more reliable and safe than simply listening for traffic, using a mirror and looking quickly behind (illustrated)

A band of South African computer scientists and engineers created Backtracker to give cyclists a 'sixth sense'. They said it is more reliable and safe than simply listening for traffic, using a mirror and looking quickly behind (illustrated)


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