Atlast (literally)! Nasa to build the world's most powerful telescope - and it could be our key to finding alien life


In 2018 Nasa's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will take flight to help us understand more about the universe.

But Nasa has already begun to lay out plans for their next space observatory in the hope of one day tracking down alien life.

Called the Advanced Telescope Large-Aperture Space Telescope (Atlast), the mission concept builds upon key technologies developed for Hubble and the JWST.

This artist's rendition shows a possible design of a potential successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. A Nasa-led team of experts in now investigating the viability of this conceptual mission, called the Advanced Telescope Large-Aperture Space Telescope (Atlast)

This artist's rendition shows a possible design of a potential successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. A Nasa-led team of experts in now investigating the viability of this conceptual mission, called the Advanced Telescope Large-Aperture Space Telescope (Atlast)


One hundred million worlds in our galaxy are able to host alien life, according to a 'conservative' prediction by Nasa.

And the space agency claims that we will be able to find that life within the next 20 years, with a high chance it will be outside our solar system.

During a public talk yesterday in Washington, the space agency outlined a roadmap to search for life in the universe using a number of current and future telescopes.

'Do we believe there is life beyond Earth?' said former astronaut and Nasa Administrator Charles Bolden during a talk earlier this month in Washington.

'I would venture to say that most of my colleagues here today say it is improbable that in the limitless vastness of the universe we humans stand alone.'

A team led by scientists and engineers at Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland is now studying the scientific and technical requirements and costs associated with building the telescope.

'Conceptually, Atlast would leverage the technological advances pioneered by the Webb telescope, such as deployable, large segmented-mirror arrays,' said Dr Mark Clampin, Atlast study scientist and JWST's project scientist.


They add that, while Hubble and JWST will last for many years into the future, the agency is already looking ahead to the telescope and instrument requirements needed to answer the questions posed in Nasa's 30-year vision.

The 30-year vision has three main goals: Are we alone, how did we get here and how does the universe work.

'One of the killer apps currently planned for Atlast is the ability to detect signatures of life in the atmospheres of Earth-like planets in the solar neighborhood,' Dr Clampin said.

While other observatories will image larger exoplanets, they would not have Atlast's advanced ability to identify chemicals that may indicate the presence of life in these far-flung, Earth-size worlds.

Atlast's large primary mirror would enable other scientific investigations, too.

In addition to studying star and galaxy formation in detail, Atlast would be able to resolve stars in galaxies more than 10 million light-years away and star-formation regions of sizes greater than 325 light years anywhere in the universe.

Look familiar? Atlast would be a successor to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), illustration shown, which is due to launch in 2018. One of Atlast's primary goals will be to address Nasa's 30-year vision, which questions whether we are alone in the universe or not and also how the cosmos truly works

Look familiar? Atlast would be a successor to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), illustration shown, which is due to launch in 2018. One of Atlast's primary goals will be to address Nasa's 30-year vision, which questions whether we are alone in the universe or not and also how the cosmos truly works

To achieve these ambitious goals, the observatory needs to be thermally and mechanically very stable, which can be achieved by operating in the Sun-Earth L2 orbit - the same orbit chosen for the JWST.

It might also be equipped with a star shade to mask the light of distant stars, which will help it spot Earth-like planets in orbit.

But perhaps more importantly, it would have to carry a significantly larger primary mirror - one even larger than the JWST's, which will be the largest segmented mirror ever flown by Nasa.

The team is studying the viability of a 33-foot (10-meter) glass or carbon-fiber segmented mirror, which would give the telescope a larger light-gathering surface, but still fit inside the fairing of an existing launch vehicle.

For comparison, JWST is to be equipped with a 21-foot (6.5-meter) segmented primary mirror.

'This gives [Atlast] seventeen times greater light-gathering capability than Hubble's mirror,' added Dr Carl Stahle, a Goddard engineer who is leading the team evaluating the technologies needed to pull off the Atlast mission.

And Dr Harley Thronson, the Goddard senior scientist for Advanced Concepts in Astrophysics and Atlast study scientist, added: 'Atlast would achieve critically important science goals not possible with ground-based observatories or with any other planned space missions.

'Now is the time to plan for the future.'


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