Microsoft brings Twitter to the TV: New Xbox app shows tweets relating to shows at the bottom of the screen


Twitter is set to come to the living room thanks to a new Xbox One App.

The Microsoft console will be able to show tweets at the bottom of the screen during shows.

It can even help people choose what to watch by showing with programmes are trending in smart  TV guides.

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The Microsoft console will be able to show tweets at the bottom of the screen during shows.

The Microsoft console will be able to show tweets at the bottom of the screen during shows.


Twitter and Vine are just two of the 45 new apps heading to Xbox One.

They include:

HBO Go app

Comedy Central

Watch ABC

Sky Now (UK)




Sky News


Twitter will be directly integrated into Xbox One's TV experience in the U.S.

'Twitter will be optimized for the biggest screen in your house in a smart, contextual way – offering the ability to see Tweets related to the cable or satellite TV shows you're watching as they're happening,' the firm said.

The TV listings section of OneGuide, Microsoft's programme guide, will also reveal shows that people are tweeting about in real-time.


These shows will also be highlighted in a new 'trending' section within OneGuide so you know what's popular right then and there.

'A commercial break turns into a quick and easy opportunity to see what other viewers are tweeting about without pulling out your phone, swiping at a tablet, or taking your attention away from your TV,' the firm said.

The firm has worked closely with Twitter to develop the system.

'People turn to Twitter every day to enjoy and engage in the real-time conversations about their favorite TV shows,' says Jana Messerschmidt, VP Business Development and Platform at Twitter.

'We're enhancing that experience on the Xbox One with a unique Watch with Twitter integration.

Trending shows have a new section in the console's TV guide

Trending shows have a new section in the console's TV guide

'It will now be easier to discover what shows are trending in real-time on Twitter, tune-in and follow the conversation right from within the Xbox One interface.'

'Xbox fans are spending more time than ever on the console, spending more than five hours a day on Xbox One,' said Yusuf Mehdi, Corporate Vice President, Devices and Studios at Microsoft.

'Today as we announce new commitments from dozens of our partners, including deep integration with experiences like Twitter and Vine, we hit an important milestone in our journey to deliver unique experiences on Xbox.

'We're thrilled to break new ground in social TV experiences like we're doing with Twitter on Xbox One.'

Programme guides also reveal which shows are trending

Programme guides also reveal which shows are trending


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