Keep your beer cool in the garden this summer: $350 Undergound beer fridge can keep beers cool in hottest temperature


As temperatures rise, it is the perfect way to keep your beers cool - and not have to make the long trek to the fridge when you need a refill.

A Dutch firm has unveiled an underground beer fridge that can be sunk into the garden.

It takes advantage of cooler underground conditions to keep beer chilled.

Cools your conscience  Do something great for yourself and the environment.
The earth cooler is intended for the man who has everything.

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The earth cooler is 113 cm in height, 22-30 cm in diameter and weighs 12 kg.

A crank is used to raise the beer and deliver it to the surface.

It holds 24 cans and can stay installed the whole year. 

It takes advantage of lower temperatures underground to keep beer chilled.

Called the eCool, it sinks 24 beers underground.

When beers are removed, the next is automatically pushed to the top using a pulley system.


The entire system, which is just over a metre in height, is sunk underground.

'It's advised to use a garden drill, but can be installed with a shovel as well, if you're a real man,' the firm says.

It says the system is ideal for eco-friendly beer drinkers as it uses no electricity.

'Do something great for yourself and the environment.

'It's easy to install in the garden or terrace, and uses no electricity.

'With the eCool you can always drink a cold beer with good conscience.

The earth cooler is 113 cm in height, 22-30 cm in diameter and weighs 12 kg.

It holds 24 cans and can stay installed the whole year.

The invention can be installed on a deck, or directly on grass

The invention can be installed on a deck, or directly on grass

The eCool has already proved popular online as temperatures rise

The eCool has already proved popular online as temperatures rise


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