Clever boy! Dogs prefer to EARN treats by solving problems, rather than receiving handouts


In humans the 'eureka moment' is a commonly known feeling that occurs when we solve a particularly troubling problem.

But new research suggests that we're not the only animals to experience this - dogs, too, gain pleasure from solving a tricky task.

In a series of experiments, scientists found dogs were happier when they earned a reward by performing a task, rather than just being handed a treat.

Researchers in Sweden have found that dogs are happier when they solve problems to get a treat rather than just being given a reward, much like how humans have a 'eureka moment'. Pictured here is a stock image of a three year-old beagle being given a reward after making a find of illegally imported food

Researchers in Sweden have found that dogs are happier when they solve problems to get a treat rather than just being given a reward, much like how humans have a 'eureka moment'. Pictured here is a stock image of a three year-old beagle being given a reward after making a find of illegally imported food

The research was carried out by Dr Ragen Mcgowan and colleagues from the University of Agricultural Sciences in Sweden.


David Grimm of the John Hopkins University says pets are being treated more and more like humans.

In his book Citizen Canine he discusses how cats and dogs have gained status both socially and legally.

'People are shelling out money and risking their lives to save their pet,' he told MailOnline.

'You wouldn't do that for a bird or a toaster. Cats and dogs are getting this rarefied status in the home.'

Grimm says that cats and dogs have achieved a status in Western cultures that is unheard of for any other animal.

They are being treated more like people in society and law, blurring the lines between animals and person.

'In some legal cases the best interests of the cat and dog are considered,' he continues.

'And judges are awarding more emotional distress damages from killing cats and dogs.

'In the past it used to be $50 (£30), now it's in the tens of thousands of dollars.'

During tests, the researchers used six matched pairs of beagles, reports Companion Animal Psychology.

Each of the 12 dogs were trained to use three of six different pieces of equipment, ranging from a 'dog piano' to a lever that would make a bell ring.


The other dog in each pair was trained on the other three pieces of equipment.

The dogs were then taken to an 'arena' that had all six experiments in.

At the entrance to the arena the dogs were held behind a gate, while also inside was a ramp leading to one of three rewards - a treat, a person to pet them, or another dog.

Each of the dogs in the pair took turns being the control and then the experimental dog.

The experimental dogs were only given access to the treat on the ramp when they successfully manipulated the three pieces of equipment they had been trained to use.

The control dogs, meanwhile, were given access to the reward when the puzzles were solved by their partner in the other arena, irrespective of how they used the equipment.

The dogs in the pairs were then tasked with performing the same run several times, and also played both roles of experimental and control dog.

When dogs were tasked with successfully manipulating equipment to get a reward they were visible happier (stock image shown), wagging their tails more and being more eager to do the task again. Conversely, dogs who didn't have to solve problems were less enthused about getting another reward

When dogs were tasked with successfully manipulating equipment to get a reward they were visible happier (stock image shown), wagging their tails more and being more eager to do the task again. Conversely, dogs who didn't have to solve problems were less enthused about getting another reward

The researchers found the experimental dogs were much more excited to actually get in the arena and solve the pieces of equipment.

On repeated runs they showed visible excitement, such as wagging their tails vigorously, at being led to the entrance to solve the problems again.

The control dogs, on the other hand, were more reluctant to go in and pick up their treat without having to solve any of the 'puzzles'.

This, according to the researchers, shows that dogs enjoy problem-solving just like humans do.

'Animals may experience positive affective states in response to their own achievements,' they write.

'Differences between the two situations could be attributed to experimental dogs having the opportunity to learn to control access to the reward.

'Experimental dogs showed signs of excitement (for example, increased tail wagging and activity) in response to their achievements, whereas controls showed signs of frustration (for example chewing of the operant device) in response to the unpredictability of the situation.

'Our results suggest that dogs react emotionally to problem-solving opportunities and that tail wagging may be a useful indicator of positive affective states in dogs.'


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