Are junk food restaurants ruining your happiness? Researchers say living in an area with lots of fast food establishments can make you impatient and unable to savour things


Researchers say that living near fast food restaurants can harm our ability to be happy and smell the roses'.

They found those who live among lots of fast food outlets were more likely to be impatient.

They say that just the presence of the chains was enough to cause people to struggle to slow down and savour things.

People living in communities with higher prevalence of fast-food restaurants were significantly less able to enjoy pleasurable activities that require savoring, researchers found

People living in communities with higher prevalence of fast-food restaurants were significantly less able to enjoy pleasurable activities that require savoring, researchers found


One study surveyed a few hundred respondents throughout the U.S. on their ability to savor a variety of realistic, enjoyable experiences such as discovering a beautiful waterfall on a hike.

Based upon their zip codes, the researchers linked participants' responses to objective information from the most recent U.S. Economic Census on the concentration of fast-food restaurants in their neighborhood relative to sit-down restaurants.

The findings revealed that people living in communities with higher prevalence of fast-food restaurants were significantly less able to enjoy pleasurable activities that require savoring, even when controlling for economic factors of the individual and the neighborhood.

'If you want to raise kids where they're less impatient, they're able to smell the roses, they're able to delay gratification, then you should choose to live in a neighbourhood where there is a lower concentration of fast food restaurants,' said Sanford DeVoe, an associate professor of organizational behavior and human resource management at the University of Toronto's Rotman School, who co-wrote the paper with fellow Julian House, a Rotman PhD student, and Chen-Bo Zhong, an associate professor of organizational behavior and human resource management.

One study surveyed a few hundred respondents throughout the U.S. on their ability to savor a variety of realistic, enjoyable experiences such as discovering a beautiful waterfall on a hike.

Based upon their zip codes, the researchers linked participants' responses to objective information from the most recent U.S. Economic Census on the concentration of fast-food restaurants in their neighborhood relative to sit-down restaurants.


The findings revealed that people living in communities with higher prevalence of fast-food restaurants were significantly less able to enjoy pleasurable activities that require savoring, even when controlling for economic factors of the individual and the neighborhood.

The study's authors propose that's because fast food can incite people to feel more impatient, diminishing their ability to slow down and savour life's simpler joys.

Pictorial reminders of fast food in its ready to go packaging were enough to raise people¿s impatience and interfere with their subsequent enjoyment of photos of natural beauty or an operatic aria.

Pictorial reminders of fast food in its ready to go packaging were enough to raise people¿s impatience and interfere with their subsequent enjoyment of photos of natural beauty or an operatic aria.

The researchers also conducted two experiments to evaluate whether the associations with fast food has a causal effect on people's ability to smell the roses.

Pictorial reminders of fast food in its ready to go packaging were enough to raise people's impatience and interfere with their subsequent enjoyment of photos of natural beauty or an operatic aria.

However, study participants shown pictures of the same meals on regular ceramic tableware, the kind you might use at home, showed higher levels of enjoyment when experiencing these savoring activities.

The results 'are counter-intuitive,' said Prof. DeVoe.

'We think about fast food as saving us time and freeing us up to do the things that we want to do.'

But because it instigates this sense of impatience, there are a whole set of activities where it becomes a barrier to our enjoyment of them."

The findings indicate the importance of thinking more carefully about the cues we're exposed to in our everyday environments — including workplaces — and how they can affect our psychology, he said.

The paper was published in Social Psychological and Personality Science.


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