Want to look more trustworthy? Then try out this FACE WORKOUT: Scientists identify muscles responsible for feigning honesty


A first impression about can be formed in as little as a tenth of a second, but it is possible to influence what judgement is made.

Scientists have discovered that people with faces that others don't trust can pull an expression to make them appear more honest.

Faces deemed untrustworthy, dominant or unattractive because of their shape can be made to appear the opposite by making specific facial expressions.

Fake it to make it: Faces deemed untrustworthy, dominant or unattractive because of their shape can be made to appear the opposite by making specific facial expressions, scientists have said. An untrustworthy face (pictured left) can be transformed into a trustworthy one (right) by raising the eyebrows and smiling slightly

Fake it to make it: Faces deemed untrustworthy, dominant or unattractive because of their shape can be made to appear the opposite by making specific facial expressions, scientists have said. An untrustworthy face (pictured left) can be transformed into a trustworthy one (right) by raising the eyebrows and smiling slightly


Researchers used software to generate 3D animated images of faces that can be programmed to move one or more of 42 individual groups of facial muscles.

Twelve volunteers judged randomly generated facial expressions on trustworthiness, dominance and attractiveness.

From this, the experts pinpointed which aspects of an expression conveyed these particular characteristics.

They asked different volunteers to rate faces with neutral expressions for the same traits based solely on facial structure.

To test whether the neutral faces deemed untrustworthy, dominant or unattractive could be made to appear trustworthy, submissive and attractive, they animated the second set of faces with the expressions identified with these characteristics from the first experiment.

Faces thought to look untrustworthy could be made more honest-looking by activating a few muscle groups to form a more virtuous expression and dominant faces could appear meeker.

This 'social camouflage' can be used by people with untrustworthy faces to override the default impression others form by looking at their face.

For example, raising the eyebrows and smiling slightly can make someone appear more honest, while wrinkling the nose slightly can affect a look of dominance.


'Humans communicate a lot through their facial expressions when negotiating various social situations,' said Dr Daniel Gill, a psychologist of Glasgow University.

'But whether we like it or not, previous well-documented research has shown people tend to perceive certain personality characteristics or traits in individuals based on the structure of their face.

'This means some people can be judged to be untrustworthy or domineering simply by how they look - a square jaw and large brow conveying dominance for example.

'Social camouflage' can be used by people with untrustworthy faces to override the default impression others form by looking at their face. Here, the facial movements required to look more or less dominant are shown

'Social camouflage' can be used by people with untrustworthy faces to override the default impression others form by looking at their face. Here, the facial movements required to look more or less dominant are shown

'It can have implications for things like mate selection and job opportunities.

'However there are also basic facial movements people identify with specific social traits and these movements can override the default impression people have of another person's face.'

To appear more trustworthy, people should raise their inner and outer brow and smile slightly with their mouth closed to show dimples, according to the study.

Dr Gill said: 'If you're going for a job interview it's best to feign happiness and surprise because this looks more honest to an observer.

'But an army commander would put on a sterner, more dominant look than someone who is going out for a romantic encounter.'

A more dominant look can be achieved by wrinkling the nose and raising the upper lip so the mouth is open slightly.

Dr Gill explained that people often adopt these faces without realising it and that animals do the same thing.

Dr Gill said that there are also basic facial movements people identify with specific social traits - such as trustworthiness (pictured - and these movements can override the default impression people have of another person's face. Lots of people adopt suitable expressions without realising it

Dr Gill said that there are also basic facial movements people identify with specific social traits - such as trustworthiness (pictured - and these movements can override the default impression people have of another person's face. Lots of people adopt suitable expressions without realising it

'Rhesus monkeys for instance have different faces according to their hierarchical rank - the highest ranking have dominant faces while the lesser mortals' are more submissive,' he said.

The study, published in the journal Psychological Science, said that attractiveness is harder to feign.

This is because the perception of attractiveness is based on many more factors than just facial expressions, as any casting director will know, Mr Gill explained.

'An actor can certainly look more dominant or trustworthy according to their role - but would probably struggle to look more attractive. For that you'd really need an attractive actor.'

In the experiment, researchers used software to generate 3D animated images of faces that can be programmed to move one or more of 42 individual facial groups of muscles to pull a certain face.

They then asked a group of 12 volunteers to judge a set of randomly generated facial expressions on trustworthiness, dominance and attractiveness.

This allowed the researchers to ascertain which aspects of an expression conveyed these particular characteristics.

Attractiveness is harder to feign, according to the study. This is because the perception of attractiveness is based on many more factors than just facial expressions, Dr Gill explained

Attractiveness is harder to feign, according to the study. This is because the perception of attractiveness is based on many more factors than just facial expressions, Dr Gill explained

They repeated this procedure again with a different set of volunteers asking them to rate static faces with neutral expressions for the same traits but based solely on facial structure.

To test whether the neutral faces deemed untrustworthy, dominant or unattractive could be made to appear trustworthy, submissive and attractive, they animated the second set of faces with the expressions identified with these characteristics from the first experiment.

Faces thought to look untrustworthy could be made more honest-looking simply by activating a few muscle groups to form a more virtuous expression. Similarly dominant faces could appear meeker through a different expression.

Study co-author Professor Philippe Schyns said: 'This is the first study to examine how dynamic facial expressions affect the perception of social traits or characteristics.'


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