The face of GAMING revealed: Photographer morphs thousands of photos to profile the average video game fan


Gamers have garnered a reputation for being young males, typically late teens to early twenties, who are unemployed, loners - but the truth is somewhat different.

A survey has discovered almost a fifth of gamers are women, a third are over 35, and 54 per cent are in relationships. 

And now a photographer has used these findings, combined with 2,000 portraits, to reveal the face of the nation's average gamer.

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This is the face of the average gamer, as created by Chris Dorley-Brown. The photographer captured the faces of more than 2,000 people who attended a recent event for online game, Runescape. He then morphed the images together to reveal 'Joe', pictured

This is the face of the average gamer, as created by Chris Dorley-Brown. The photographer captured the faces of more than 2,000 people who attended a recent event for online game, Runescape. He then morphed the images together to reveal 'Joe', pictured


Research from Domino's Pizza found that almost half of male gamers admitted they have turned down sex to continue playing, while a fifth of female gamers said they'd missed weddings and hen dos. 

Women even said they'd missed funerals in order to play their games, yet almost 85 per cent of men said they would never miss a stag do, wedding or important event. 

One in seven gamers confessed to relieving themselves in an empty drinks bottle to avoid having to leave the room with gamers in Birmingham among the worst offenders.

Birmingham gamers also spend the most money on gaming a year at £253 per person ahead of Liverpool on £228 and Manchester on £223.

Nicknamed Joe, the face was created by London-born Chris Dorley-Brown by morphing photos of gamers who recently attended an event for online game Runescape.

Dorley-Brown also created a time-lapse video revealing some of the faces that make up the average gamer.


The gaming nation's profile was then compiled by studio Jagex from a survey of 1,157 gamers.

This survey found gamers are more likely to be in full-time employment than non-gamers - 37 per cent compared with the UK average of 30 per cent.

Gamers also have more cars, more money and take more holidays than non-gamers.

By comparing the national average to the gaming survey, it found almost a third of gamers have two cars per household, more than the average 12 cars per 10 British households.

Although Joe was designed to be androgynous, Dorley-Brown also created the average face of the male, pictured, and female gamer. An accompanying survey additionally found that a third of gamers are over 35, more than half are in relationships and 70% are homeowners

Although Joe was designed to be androgynous, Dorley-Brown also created the average face of the male, pictured, and female gamer. An accompanying survey additionally found that a third of gamers are over 35, more than half are in relationships and 70% are homeowners

According to the survey, a fifth of gamers are female, average face pictured. It also discovered 70 per cent of gamers earn at least £20,000 per year - earning more than bank clerks - with close to 40 per cent earning over £40,000 - more than police officers

According to the survey, a fifth of gamers are female, average face pictured. It also discovered 70 per cent of gamers earn at least £20,000 per year - earning more than bank clerks - with close to 40 per cent earning over £40,000 - more than police officers

More than a third (36 per cent) of gamers go on at least one holiday abroad a year, compared to just 21 per cent of non-gamers. 

While 70 per cent of gamers earn at least £20,000 per year - earning more than bank clerks - with close to 40 per cent earning over £40,000 - more than police officers.

Going against the loner stereotype, too, the survey found over half of gamers (54 per cent) are in relationships, and almost a third are more likely to meet people offline, at school or work.



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