Robo-aquarium that lets FISH drive themselves around the home set to go on sale


It could give your fish a new lease of life - and allow them to explore the world outside their aquarium.

A team of Dutch researchers has developed a remote control aquarium on wheels that fish can steer themselves, and is set to start selling it.

Called fish on wheels, the $200 gadget uses a camera to monitor the direction the fish swims in.

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The robo-aquarium: The new gadget allows fish to roam free around their home

The robo-aquarium: The new gadget allows fish to roam free around their home


The prototype version of 'Fish on Wheels' was constructed using a standard webcam, and an Arduino, a tiny comuter, controlled robot vehicle.

Using the contrast of the fish with the bottom of the fish tank, its position is determined and used to send commands to the Arduino computer control board to move the car into that direction.

'We came up with the idea of developing the 'Fish on Wheels' device because we wanted to have something to showcase the possibilities of computer vision technology,' Thomas de Wolf of Dutch firm Studio Diip told MailOnline.

When not driving around, the fish-car can be used as a normal aquarium.

'We then came to the idea that with computer vision even animals would be able to control devices.

'The best way to show this was to enable fish to drive their own aquarium wherever they want to go.'

A prototype version of  'Fish on Wheels' was constructed using a standard webcam, a battery powered Beagleboard and an Arduino controlled robot vehicle.


Using the contrast of the fish with the bottom of the fish tank, its position is determined and used to send commands to the Arduino computer control board to move the car into that direction.

'Our pet fish have always been limited to their water holding area known as 'the fish tank', the firm said.

A camera mounted above the tank allows it to 'watch' the fish to see what direction to drive in

A camera mounted above the tank allows it to 'watch' the fish to see what direction to drive in

The location of the fish is determined using computer software, which can then 'drive' the car in the direction the fish is swimming in

The location of the fish is determined using computer software, which can then 'drive' the car in the direction the fish is swimming in

'In an attempt to liberate fish all over the world, the first self driving car for fish has been developed.

'Up until now driving vehicles has been limited to mankind only (excluding a handful of autonomous vehicles driven by computers), but now your pet fish can also put the pedal to the metal.'

de Wolf said the project was still only at the prototype stage, and is set to be improved before being launched as a Kickstarter project.

'Hopefully this invention will encourage more development in enhanced pet mobility, so pet animals can travel the world more freely.'

The team admit they are not sure how much the fish knows about its newfound ability.

'We are still not sure if the fish really has any idea of what it is doing for now,' said de Wolf.

'After letting it drive a little while we always put it back in it's normal aquarium with plants and filters to not stress it out too much.'

How it works

How it works


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