Over 300,000 web sites STILL at risk from Heartbleed bug a month after massive flaw exposed


Half of the websites affected by the Heartbleed bug that exposed user's passwords and other information have not been updated to fix the problem, it has been claimed.

Security experts said that even though the bug was revealed a month ago, 300,000 sites are still affected.

They claim that is half the sites at risk - and the security experts admit the poor response is 'strange'.

The code was added on New Year's Eve in 2011 and no-one spotted the mistake until earlier this month. Experts say the bug could leave up to 66% of sites vulnerable to hackers if their encryption software is not updated. It compromises secret keys used to encrypt web traffic

The code was added on New Year's Eve in 2011 and no-one spotted the mistake until earlier this month. Experts say the bug could leave up to 66% of sites vulnerable to hackers if their encryption software is not updated. It compromises secret keys used to encrypt web traffic


The Heartbleed bug lets hackers eavesdrop on supposedly secure communications.

It was found by uncovered by a team of researchers from Google Security and Codenomicon in the OpenSSL cryptographic software.

OpenSSL is open-source software that is widely used to encrypt web communications.

It is used to protect websites, instant messaging, email servers, virtual private networks and other communications.

OpenSSL certificates are also used to protect credit card details on select services.

The software is used in two of the most widely used Web servers, Apache and nginx.

Research by analytics firm Netcraft found almost 500,000 websites could be affected.

Security researcher Robert Graham of Errata security scanned over 1.5m servers that supported the vulnerable software in his report.

'It's been a month since the Heartbleed bug was announced, so I thought I'd rescan the Internet (port 443) to see how many systems remain vulnerable,' he said.

'Whereas my previous scan a month ago found 600,000 vulnerable systems, today's scan found roughly 300,000 thousand systems (318,239 to be precise).'

However, he admits the tests hit problems.

'The numbers are a little strange.

'Last month, I found 28-million systems supporting SSL, but this month I found only 22-million. I suspect the reason is that this time, people detected my Heartbleed 'attacks' and automatically firewalled me before the scan completed.

'Or, another problem is that I may have more traffic congestion at my ISP, which would reduce numbers.'

The mssive flaw was first detected four weeks ago.

Affected sites include a number of Google services, including Gmail and YouTube, Facebook, Tumblr, Yahoo and Dropbox.

All of these sites have been patched and security experts are advising people to change their passwords on these accounts, even if the sites themselves aren't issuing the advice.

Yahoo wasthe only major site that has explicitly said its users should change their password.

A number of these sites have been criticised for not contacting individual users to reassure them.

Graham Cluely from security software company Sophos told MailOnline that while it is difficult for websites to contact individual members directly - and they are not duty bound to do so - given the scale of the flaw, they could be doing more.

For example, Cluely suggests Google could post a link on its homepage for anyone who is concerned about the bug.

'This could link to helpful details and Google's official statement about its services. It would also be helpful for the whole internet community because the site is so-widely used,' he said.

In response to this, Google told MailOnline: 'The security of our users' information is a top priority. We fixed this bug early and Google users do not need to change their passwords.'

The bug means hackers can eavesdrop and leave no trace in server logs. The flaw was introduced in OpenSSL in December 2011, and was 'in the wild' until Monday, when a new version fixing the flaw was released

The bug means hackers can eavesdrop and leave no trace in server logs. The flaw was introduced in OpenSSL in December 2011, and was 'in the wild' until Monday, when a new version fixing the flaw was released

There is also confusion between what the companies are suggesting in terms of changing passwords, and what the security experts are advising.

People have been urged to change their details in response to the internet-wide bug, but it has emerged that changing login details may not boost security at all.

Some experts are advising users to change all their passwords across every site they have an account for, while others are being a little more selective.

But it has been revealed that the efficacy of changing your password depends on the sites you have accounts for - and in some instances changing your login details may be do more harm than good.

Cluely continued: 'It is confusing and I understand why people are befuddled, but a [password] reset for everything is both unnecessary, and potentially exposing.

'Changing your password on a vulnerable site makes little difference because the site is still open to attack.

'This means your old password would have been at risk, but you're also giving hackers access to your new password - a double whammy.

'If a site hasn't fixed the security flaw, or hasn't told its users it has, then people should assume that site is vulnerable.

'It's good to assume that all sites are vulnerable and be cautious, until the sites state otherwise.

'My advice is only change the passwords on services that tell you they've fixed the problem.'

The flaw was introduced in OpenSSL in December 2011, and was 'in the wild' until Monday, when a new version fixing the flaw was released.

Security expert Graham Cluely told MailOnline: 'My advice is only change the passwords on services that tell you they've fixed the problem. Changing your password on a vulnerable site makes little difference because the site is still open to attack.This means your old and new passwords are at risk'

Security expert Graham Cluely told MailOnline: 'My advice is only change the passwords on services that tell you they've fixed the problem. Changing your password on a vulnerable site makes little difference because the site is still open to attack.This means your old and new passwords are at risk'

The worst case scenario is that someone found the flaw three years ago and has spent all that time scraping sites for personal details.

This does mean that if users have bought anything online from affected, supposedly secure, sites, signed up to accounts, or sent personal emails during that time, this data is potentially at risk.

Unfortunately, changing your address and credit card details aren't as simple as changing a password.

The problem with highlighting the flaw - despite the fact it has now been patched - is that people from around the world are running code to find affected sites.

Some of these people are curious security researchers and IT teams, but it could also suddenly be on the radar of would-be hackers and cybercriminals.

This makes the time between the flaw being found, and when the sites patch the problem as key - and the details may be more vulnerable now than they were before.


Check the service providers' official blogs for statements about whether or not they were affected and if the problem has been fixed.

The sites may have also emailed you so check your inbox, as well as junk mail. 

Once a site has confirmed it is safe, update your login details. Even if a site claims you don't need to, change it anyway – just in case. 

Make sure to use different passwords across all accounts. This is good password management generally. 

If you are unsure if a site has been affected, or is now safe, contact them. You can call or email and ask them to reassure you.

Many sites, including Google, Facebook and Twitter, pictured, as well as a number of banks, such as Natwest, have added optional two-step authentication, also known as two-step verification, to increase security for their customers

Many sites, including Google, Facebook and Twitter, pictured, as well as a number of banks, such as Natwest, have added optional two-step authentication, also known as two-step verification, to increase security for their customers

Take advantage of sites that use two-factor authentication. LifeHacker has a useful list of all the sites that offer this security measure. 

As its name suggests, two-step authentication involves giving users two security steps to go through before being allowed access to their account.

This can include a text message sent to a phone, or a device that generates a unique number every 15 minutes.

In the case of the Heartbleed flaw, this means even if hacker steals a password from a site, they can't access the account without the text or email code.

'We don't know if someone has been exploiting the flaw beforehand so I don't think we should leap to any conclusions,' continued Cluely.

'However, in security its always best to assume the worst and restart from scratch where possible. It would be irresponsible to give blanket advice like changing all your passwords.'

This is because the fault is with the code used to build encryption software used by the sites as a whole, not just the user's account.

As a result, the onus is on the sites to fix the problem, but as the flaw is thought to affect so many websites, this may take some time.

LastPass' Heartbleed Checker, pictured, looks to see when a site's secure encryption certificate was last regenerated and warns if the server may be at risk. It also reveals the websites that either aren't affected by the bug, or have updated their certificates

LastPass' Heartbleed Checker, pictured, looks to see when a site's secure encryption certificate was last regenerated and warns if the server may be at risk. It also reveals the websites that either aren't affected by the bug, or have updated their certificates

David Emm from security firm Kaspersky told MailOnline: 'Sites must apply the fix to the Open SSL library straight away, and also, importantly, if any encryption keys have been compromised, they need to be replaced too.'

When asked exactly what details are at risk, Emm continued it 'could be all kinds' from anything involved in a transaction - so that's usernames, password, encryption keys - to sensitive private credit card or address information, and virtual private network (VPN) data.

The latter is key for employers, for example.

Employees who access systems outside of the office using a VPN could be exposing confidential and corporate information, as well as their own private details.

This has the potential to affect government, military and other high-profile and public sites as well as businesses - it doesn't just affect everyday users.

It all depends on whether the site uses Open SSL without any other encryption.

The Heartbleed bug lets hackers eavesdrop on supposedly secure communications.

It was uncovered by a team of researchers from Google Security and Codenomicon in the OpenSSL cryptographic software.

The software offers encryption services, such as when people log into internet banking, or into a webmail service like Yahoo.

The fault lets a hacker craft an attack which, under the right conditions, will return small chunks of information from the remote system or service.

OpenSSL is open-source software that is widely used to encrypt web communications. According to the tool, pictured, Bing.com doesn't use OpenSSL so is not at risk

OpenSSL is open-source software that is widely used to encrypt web communications. According to the tool, pictured, Bing.com doesn't use OpenSSL so is not at risk

For example, it has been demonstrated that hackers can steal other users' usernames and passwords from Yahoo - although this flaw has now been fixed.

'The big sites fixed the problem very quickly because they have the resources to do so. In some cases the affected sites outsource IT teams, and there will be small and medium businesses to whom this may sound like gobbledegook. This is going to be a problem that remains for a while,' said Cluely.

When asked what users can do, Emm said: 'If people are concerned they can do a quick check using the Heartbleed Test.'

LastPass' Heartbleed Checker similarly looks to see when a site's secure encryption certificate was last valid and warns if the server may be at risk.


Researchers have even given the bug its own logo

The Heartbleed bug lets anyone on the web read the memory of the systems protected by vulnerable versions of the OpenSSL software.

It compromises secret keys used to identify the service providers and to encrypt web traffic.

This includes the names and passwords of the users and the actual content, such as credit card numbers.

Attackers can 'eavesdrop' on communications between servers, steal data directly from the them, and use the information to impersonate services and users on other sites or platforms.

James Lyne, global head of research at security firm Sophos told MailOnline: 'This fault undermines the fundamental trust on the internet for anyone running the vulnerable software and it is widely integrated into the technology we all use every day.

'While the fault has now been fixed, providers must apply it manually, so many still are vulnerable.

'Worse still, the defect was in the code for over two years before being discovered by security researchers - attackers could have discovered this at any time during that period and retrieved large volumes of data without anyone knowing.

'At this point the best thing for consumers to do is to assume their passwords and alike have been leaked. They may not have been, but since it's very hard to actually tell retrospectively, it is better to be safe than sorry.

'As providers rush to patch [the flaw], consumers should apply typical IT security best practice: ensure you change passwords - once you know the issue has been fixed by your provider; update your computers; and don't use the same password across multiple sites or services.

'This is not the first defect of its kind and it certainly won't be the last, but it is one of the more serious faults we've seen in recent Internet history.'

'This flaw has highlighted why its never a good idea to use one password across all accounts - it only takes one account to be compromised to put all your accounts at risk,' continued Emm.

'It's really important moving forward to be vigilant. Keep an eye on your bank statements and accounts and look for any unusual behaviour. Sanity check everything.'

Cluely added: 'If you do want to refresh a password and you're not sure if the site is vulnerable or not, opt for two-factor authentication.

Twitter and Facebook, for example, already offer this tool and then even if a password is stolen, they can't get into the account without the confirmation text message or email code.'

As its name suggests, two-step authentication involves giving users two security steps to go through before being allowed access to their account.

This can include a text message sent to a phone, or a device that generates a unique number every 15 minutes.

Both researchers stressed that its your information and if you don't feel like the provider is offering enough information, or being quick in their response to the problem, call and email them.

Lookout has created an app that will tell you if users a running a vulnerable version of Android on their phone. The app can be downloaded from the Play Store here. While much of the conversation has been about how Heartbleed impacts servers and internet infrastructure, it also affects mobile devices
Lookout's detector app helps you figure out if your device is one of them. This app determines what version of OpenSSL your device is using and then checks to see if the specific vulnerable feature called Heartbeats is enabled

Security firm Lookout has created an app that tells users if they're running a vulnerable version of Android on their phone, pictured. While much of the conversation has been about how Heartbleed impacts servers and internet infrastructure, Lookout said it also affects mobile devices. The app is available from the Play store

Cluely said you should keep contacting them until they make a statement that reassures you.

Elsewhere, security firm Lookout has created an app that tells users if they're running a vulnerable version of Android on their phone.

While much of the conversation has been about how Heartbleed impacts servers and internet infrastructure, Lookout said it also affects mobile devices.

The app determines what version of OpenSSL the device is using and then checks to see if the specific vulnerable feature is enabled.


The heartbleed bug lets hackers eavesdrop on supposedly secure communications.

It was uncovered by a team of researchers from Google Security and Codenomicon in the OpenSSL cryptographic software.

The software offers encryption services, such as when people log into internet banking, or into a webmail service like Yahoo.

The fault lets a hacker craft an attack which, under the right conditions, will return small chunks of information from the remote system or service.

For example, it has been demonstrated that hackers can steal other users' usernames and passwords from Yahoo - although this flaw has now been fixed.


Experts are predicting around 17 per cent of all websites are affected.

The flaw originated in 2011 which means in theory, if you've used any of the affected sites in the last three years, you may be at risk. 

OpenSSL is open-source software that is widely used to encrypt web communications.
It is used to protect websites, instant messaging, email servers, virtual private networks and other communications.

OpenSSL certificates are also used to protect credit card details on select services and the software is used in two of the most widely used Web servers, Apache and nginx.

Research by analytics firm Netcraft found the figure of affected websites is almost 500,000.

The figures vary because many sites use OpenSSL in one way or another, leaving them vulnerable, but a select few use additional measures and encryption techniques to protect data.


Not necessarily. It may be that the Google researchers who discovered the flaw were the first to notice it. However, because a hack wouldn't leave a trace, it's hard to tell.

Security expert Graham Cluely told MailOnline: 'We don't know if someone was exploiting it beforehand so I think we shouldn't leap to any conclusions. Assume the worst and restart from scratch where possible.'

David Emm from Kaspersky Lab urged people to be vigilant; to check their bank and online accounts for any suspicious activity and flag it up to providers as soon as possible.

The flaw only affects sites that use OpenSSL in one way or another, so if your websites doesn't use this software then you are not affected.

If you are unsure, speak to your web developer or IT team, where appropriate.

If you know that your site runs Open SSL, update it as soon as possible and replace your encryption keys.


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