Mars volcano points to evidence of 'recent' bacteria-filled lakes


The slopes of a huge Martian volcano, once covered in ice, may have been home to one of the most recent habitable environments to be found on the red planet.

Geological landforms discovered on Arsia Mons, the Mars' third tallest volcano, suggest that lakes could have existed on the planet 210 million years ago.

Researchers believe the lakes may have been home to bacteria and other single-celled organisms which evolved at the same time as dinosaurs began appearing on Earth.

Heat from a volcano erupting would have created lakes of liquid water on Mars in the relatively recent past. Pictured in the inset are channels created by water flows emerging from the edge of glacial deposits roughly 210 million years old. The main image shows the Arsia Mons volcano with the colours indicating elevation

Nearly twice as tall as Mount Everest, Arsia Mons would have produced intense heat from eruptions that melted massive amounts of ice to form englacial lakes.

These are bodies of water that form within glaciers like liquid bubbles in a half-frozen ice cube.

The ice-covered lakes of Arsia Mons would have held hundreds of cubic miles of meltwater, according to calculations by Kat Scanlon, a graduate student at Brown University in New York.

And where there's water, there's the possibility of a habitable environment.

'This is interesting because it's a way to get a lot of liquid water very recently on Mars,' Ms Scanlon said.

Pictured is the giant Arsia Mons volcano on the Martian surface. Scientists believe the heat from Arsia Mons' eruptions would have melted massive amounts of ice to form englacial lakes. These are bodies of water that form in glaciers like liquid bubbles in a half-frozen ice cube

While 210 million years ago might not sound recent, the Arsia Mons site is much younger than the habitable environments turned up by Curiosity and other Mars rovers.

Those sites are all likely older than 2.5 billion years. The fact that the Arsia Mons site is relatively young makes it an interesting target for possible future exploration.

'If signs of past life are ever found at those older sites, then Arsia Mons would be the next place I would want to go,' Ms Scanlon said.

Scientists have speculated since the 1970s that the northwest flank of Arsia Mons may once have been covered by glacial ice.

This is because the terrain around Arsia Mons looks strikingly similar to landforms left by receding glaciers in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica.

The ice-covered lakes of Arsia Mons would have held hundreds of cubic miles of meltwater, according to calculations by Kat Scanlon, a graduate student at Brown University in New York. Pictured is an artist's impression of what this may have looked like on a warmer, wetter Mars

Parallel ridges toward the bottom of the mountain appear to be drop moraines — piles of rubble deposited at the edges of a receding glacier.

A group of small hills in the region also appears to be debris left behind by slowly flowing glacial ice.

Working with the Lancaster Environmental Centre, Ms Scanlon found evidence that hot volcanic lava may have flowed in the region the same time that the glacier was present.

Data from Nasa's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter revealed pillow lava formations similar to those that form on Earth when lava erupts at the bottom of an ocean.

She also found the kinds of ridges and mounds that form on Earth when a lava flow is constrained by glacial ice.

The pressure of the ice sheet constrains the lava flow, and glacial meltwater chills the erupting lava into fragments of volcanic glass, forming mounds and ridges with steep sides and flat tops.

Ms Scanlon calculated that two of the lava deposits would have created lakes containing around 25 cubic miles (40 cubic kilometres) of water each.

Even in the frigid conditions of Mars, that much ice-covered water would have remained liquid for a long period of time.

Ms Scanlon's back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests the lakes could have persisted or hundreds or even a few thousand years.

That may have been long enough for the lakes to be colonised by microbial life forms, if such creatures ever inhabited Mars, the researchers said.


Bacillus pumilus bacteria

Super bugs from Earth could soon hitch a ride into space, arrive on the red planet and trick scientists into thinking they are Martians.

This is according to Nasa researcher, Dr Kasthuri Venkateswaran, who has expressed serious concern that microbes may beat humans in the race to colonise Mars. 

Dr Venkateswaran highlights recent research that shows some bugs are more resilient than first thought and could use protective mechanisms to survive deep space flights.

Currently, spacecraft landing on Mars or other planets where life might exist must meet requirements for a maximum allowable level of microbial life.

These acceptable levels were based on studies of how various life forms survive exposure to the challenges associated with space travel.

'If you are able to reduce the numbers to acceptable levels, a proxy for cleanliness, the assumption is that the life forms will not survive under harsh space conditions,' Dr Venkateswaran said.

However, spores of Bacillus pumilus have shown high resistance to techniques used to clean spacecraft, such as ultraviolet radiation and peroxide treatment.

When researchers exposed this hardy organism to a simulated Mars environment that kills standard spores in 30 seconds, it survived 30 minutes.



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