Humans are causing California's mountains to GROW - and it could increase the risk of earthquakes, study claims


The reason for the growth of California's mighty mountain ranges has long been a mystery, but scientists have now proposed an intriguing theory.

They say the growth is due in part to humans pumping groundwater our of an underground resevoir of water in California's Central Valley.

This causes the mountains to rise and fall the thickness of a dime and, while it's a small amount, it could be responsible for increasing earthquakes in the region around the San Andreas Fault.

Unexpectedly fast growth of mountains in California's vast ranges has been attributed to human intervention, according to a new study. Pumping groundwater out of Central Valley has made some mountains rise by as much as 0.11 inches a year. Pictured is Monument Peak in California

Unexpectedly fast growth of mountains in California's vast ranges has been attributed to human intervention, according to a new study. Pumping groundwater out of Central Valley has made some mountains rise by as much as 0.11 inches a year. Pictured is Monument Peak in California

To come to the conclusion, the geophysicists from several universities including Western Washington University and the University of Nevada carried out GPS measurements of the region.

They found that the mountains closer to the Central Valley, where the bulk of the region's groundwater pumping takes place, grew faster than ranges further away.


Water has been pumped from California's Central Valley for more than 150 years, changing what used to be a marsh and extensive lake, called Tulare Lake, into fertile agricultural fields.

In that time, about 40 cubic miles (160 cubic kilometers) of water was removed - the capacity of Lake Tahoe - dropping the water table in some areas more than 400 feet (120 meters) and the ground surface 16 feet (5 meters) or more.

The weight of water removed allowed the underlying crust or lithosphere to rise by what is known as isostatic rebound, when there is no longer a balance between Earth's upper crust and its surface.

This may have raised the nearby Sierra Nevada mountains by as much as half a foot since about 1860.


Over the last 150 years, scientists estimate there has been a total rise of about six inches (15 centimetres) in the Californian mountain ranges.

The biggest rise has been around the Central Valley, though, where mountains continue to grow faster than expected at up to 0.1 inches (three millimetres) a year.

It's also thought that, in tandem with summer groundwater pumping, winter rains contribute to the changing heights of the mountain ranges.

While seasonal changes in the Central Valley aquifer have not yet been firmly associated with any earthquakes, studies have shown that similar levels of periodic stress - such as that caused by the motions of the moon and sun - increase the number of microquakes on the San Andreas Fault.

If these subtle seasonal changes are capable of influencing the occurrence of microquakes, it's possible that they can sometimes also trigger a larger event, said Roland Bürgmann, a geoscientist at the University of California, Berkeley and co-author of the Nature paper.

'The stress is very small, much less than you need to build up stress on a fault leading to an earthquake, but in some circumstances such small stress changes can be the straw that breaks the camel's back,' Bürgmann said.

'It could just give that extra push to get a fault to fail.'

The geophysicists made the measurements with the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Plate Boundary Observatory GPS network of 1,100 stations, which provide millimetre-precision data on the mountains in the region, which have only been possible in the last few years

The geophysicists made the measurements with the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Plate Boundary Observatory GPS network of 1,100 stations, which provide millimetre-precision data on the mountains in the region, which have only been possible in the last few years

The study was based on GPS measurements from California and Nevada between 2007 and 2010 and was led by scientists Colin Amos at Western Washington University and Pascal Audet of the University of Ottawa.

'Other studies have shown that the San Andreas Fault is sensitive to small-scale changes in stress,' said Amos.

'These appear to control the timing of small earthquakes on portions of the fault, leading to more small earthquakes during drier periods of the year.

'Previously, such changes were thought to be driven by rainfall and other hydrologic causes.'

This work ties overuse of groundwater by humans in the San Joaquin Valley to increases in the height of nearby mountain ranges and possible increases in the number of earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault, said Maggie Benoit, programme director in NSF's Division of Earth Sciences, which funded the research.

'When humans deplete groundwater, the amount of mass or material in Earth's crust is reduced,' said Benoit.

'That disrupts Earth's force balances, causing uplift of nearby mountains and reducing a force that helps keep the San Andreas fault from slipping.'

The California Aqueduct, pictured on the right, is a system of canals and tunnels that takes water from places including the Central Valley across California. It has been blamed for the recent rise of the mountains which could in turn be increasing the chances of earthquakes

The California Aqueduct, pictured on the right, is a system of canals and tunnels that takes water from places including the Central Valley across California. It has been blamed for the recent rise of the mountains which could in turn be increasing the chances of earthquakes

Torrential winter storms drop water and snow across the state, which eventually flow into Central Valley streams, reservoirs and underground aquifers, pushing down the crust and lowering the Sierra by 0.04 to 0.11 inches (one to three millimetres).

In the summer water flow into the Pacific Ocean, evaporation and ground water pumping for irrigation, which has accelerated because of drought, allows the crust and surrounding mountains to rise again.

In response to the current drought in the region, about 7.5 cubic miles (30 cubic kilometers) of water has been removed from Central Valley aquifers between 2003 and 2010, causing a rise of about 0.4 inches (10 millimeters) in the Sierra over that time.

Bürgmann said that the flexing of Earth's crust downward in winter would clamp the San Andreas fault tighter, lowering the risk of quakes, while in summer the upward motion would relieve this clamping and perhaps increase the risk.

'The hazard is ever so slightly higher in the summer than in the wintertime,' he said.

'This suggests that climate and tectonics interact, and that water changes ultimately affect the deeper Earth.

'The Coast Range is doing the same thing as the Sierra Nevada, which is part of the evidence that this can't be explained by tectonics.

'Both ranges have uplifted over the last few years and both exhibit the same seasonal up and down movement in phase.

'This tells us that something has to be driving the system at a seasonal and long-term sense, and that has to be groundwater recharging and depletion.'

The new research was published in the journal Nature.


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