Gay penguins adopt an abandoned chick - and the wildlife park claims they are the 'best parents' it's ever had


A same-sex penguin couple are putting their straight neighbours to shame after being dubbed the best penguin parents a Kent zoo has ever had.

The Humboldts, called Jumbs and Kermit, have taken on the chick of a female called Isobel who had to abandon her egg to find food.

It is the second egg the pair has been given, after the first failed to hatch last year, and this latest baby was born on 12 April. 

The two male Humboldts called Jumbs, pictured left, and Kermit, pictured right, were given the egg earlier this year. It hatched on 12 April. The unnamed chick is pictured between the couple. The egg was laid by a female called Isobel who had to abandon it to find food

The two male Humboldts called Jumbs, pictured left, and Kermit, pictured right, were given the egg earlier this year. It hatched on 12 April. The unnamed chick is pictured between the couple. The egg was laid by a female called Isobel who had to abandon it to find food


In May 2012, a pair of same-sex Gentoo penguins called Inca and Rayas adopted a chick at Faunia Park in Madrid.

But it isn't just penguins that have been known to form same-sex relationships.

Domestic rams are statistically among the mammals most likely to form gay relationships, with 8 per cent of male sheep forming male-to-male bonds.

Dolphin males have also been known to pair up, with relationships lasting as long as 17 years.

While marine biologists have spotted bisexual activity in the bottlenosed species.

Homosexual wild Australian black swans sometimes form threesomes with two males and a female, which has led to higher breeding successes.

This setup doubles the chance of reproduction, and the males can more effectively guard a nest against a predator.

The male chick doesn't yet have a name.

Traditionally, zoos and wildlife parks wait to name a chick in case it doesn't survive, but a spokesman for the Wingham Wildlife Park told the MailOnline that he's doing 'really well' at the moment and the team are optimistic.


With previous births, the park has run a competition on its Facebook page to name chicks, and is planning to do the same once this baby is in the clear.

The male couple first paired up in 2012, effectively leaving two females without mates.

Isobel lays eggs each year with her partner Hurricane, but Hurricane refuses to incubate the egg forcing Isobel to leave it to eat.

Staff at the park therefore stepped in with this recent chick, and gave the egg to the gay pair.

During the official announcement on the park's Facebook page, a spokesman said: 'Kermit and Jumbs are a same-sex pair of penguins who bonded over two years ago.

'While unable to reproduce themselves, we gave them an egg this year, which had been abandoned by one of our females.

Traditionally, zoos and wildlife parks wait to name a chick in case it doesn't survive, but a spokesman for the Wingham Wildlife Park told the MailOnline the new chick, pictured, is doing 'really well' at the moment and the team are optimistic. The male couple first paired up in 2012

Traditionally, zoos and wildlife parks wait to name a chick in case it doesn't survive, but a spokesman for the Wingham Wildlife Park told the MailOnline the new chick, pictured, is doing 'really well' at the moment and the team are optimistic. The male couple first paired up in 2012

'Kermit and Jumbs have since hatched this egg, and the one-month-old baby is showing that these two penguins are excellent surrogate parents, and dare we say some of the best penguin parents we have here.'

Wingham Wildlife Park's owner Tony Binskin told the BBC: 'Whilst pair bonding often results in no result other than eliminating those two animals from the breeding population of that species, in captivity it can have greatly positive effects.

'We are still very much starting our breeding efforts with this species, and this is only our second year of breeding, but having such good surrogate parents available should we need them is a huge bonus for us.'



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