Dolphins swam the oceans six MILLION years earlier than originally thought, ancient skull reveals


Dolphins may have been swimming the Earth's oceans for six million years longer than previously thought, suggests a new study.

They are the most diverse family of living marine mammals and include species such as the bottlenose dolphin and the killer whale.

However, their early evolution and fossil record has been steeped in mystery due to lack of good specimens.

Scroll down for 3D animation of the skull

A new study has revealed that modern dolphins, like the bottlenose dolphin pictured here, have ancient ancestors that span back up to 13 million years. This is six million years further back than the first dolphins were thought to be alive

A new study has revealed that modern dolphins, like the bottlenose dolphin pictured here, have ancient ancestors that span back up to 13 million years. This is six million years further back than the first dolphins were thought to be alive

Now a new study, published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, has re-described the oldest species of dolphin with a new name: Eodelphis kabatensis.


Bottlenose dolphins typically live in pods of 10 to 30 members, but group size varies from single individuals up to more than 1,000.

Their diets consists mainly of fish, which they hunt together or individually. 

Dolphins search for prey primarily using echolocation, which is similar to sonar. They emit clicking sounds and listen for the return echos to determine the location and shape of potential prey and other interesting items.

Research on bottlenose dolphins has examined mimicry, use of artificial language, object categorization, and self-recognition. 

They can use tools - known as sponging - and pass cultural knowledge down generations.

Although the partial skull was previously described in the 1970s, researchers behind the new paper say the scientific community largely overlooked it.

And the new re-description has important implications for the evolutionary history of dolphins.


The skull of Eodelphis kabatensis was originally collected from a small tributary of the Oshirarika River in Hakkaido, Japan.

Researchers working on the specimen have narrowed its age to the late Miocene period, 13 to 8.5 million years ago, making it the earliest true dolphin species described.

Lead author of the new study said lead author Mizuki Murakami said: 'The early evolution of true dolphins is still covered in mystery.

'Eodelphis kabatensis informs us about the morphology of early dolphins.'

This is a computer-generated 3D CT image of the single fragment of the skull that was found. Eodelphis is an important link in the evolutionary history of dolphins that provides correlation between the fossil record and molecular-based studies (credit: Mizuki Murakami)

The discovery was made by studying a skull of an ancient species of dolphin now known as Eodelphis kabatensis, which was collected from a small tributary of the Oshirarika River in Hakkaido, Japan. Pictured is the skull recreated around the holotype, the sole 'piece' of the dolphin scientists have

The discovery was made by studying a skull of an ancient species of dolphin now known as Eodelphis kabatensis, which was collected from a small tributary of the Oshirarika River in Hakkaido, Japan. Pictured is the skull recreated around the holotype, the sole 'piece' of the dolphin scientists have

Eodelphis is an important link in the evolutionary history of dolphins.

Prior to the latest study, there was inconsistency between the fossil record of the dolphins and molecular-based studies.

The oldest true dolphin fossils found were less than six million years old, while molecular studies suggested they originated and started to diversify between nine and 12 million years ago.

Jonathan Geisler, a marine mammal paleontologist at the New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine, said: 'Eodelphis kabatensis, being discovered from sediments that were deposited eight to 13 million years ago, has largely resolved this discrepancy and provides the best glimpse yet of what the skull of the first dolphins may have looked like.'

In addition to its importance as the earliest true dolphin, the new study also incorporates the most comprehensive analysis of the relationships within the Delphinoidea, the group that encompasses toothed whales.

By including Eodelphis in the analysis, the researchers were able to get a much clearer picture of the evolution of the toothed whales.

And Dr Geisler said the presence of Eodelphis in the Pacific Ocean during the late Miocene has implications for the geographic history of dolphins.

He said that while more specimens need to be discovered, the study suggests that dolphins might have had their origins in the Pacific.


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