Could alien life cope with hotter, brighter suns? Probably: Extra-hot stars may not be as inhospitable as first thought
To date we know of only one star in the universe that can host life: our sun.
This has led astronomers to believe that stars similar to our own could host life, in addition to ones cooler than ours.
But new research suggests we shouldn't rule out hotter stars either, as they may also allow life to flourish.
A new paper suggests that stars hotter than our sun might be able to host alien life. Previously it was thought that the additional ultraviolet radiation would be detrimental, such as on an exoplanet closely orbiting a star (pictured), but researchers say that is not necessarily the case
There are various different types of stars classified as, from hottest to coolest, O, B, A, F, G, K, M, of which our Sun is a G-type star and sits in the middle of the 'main sequence' on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.
At the top end O and B stars are far too hot and live far too short lives of just a few million years to support the evolution and survival of life, considering life on Earth took half a billion years to establish itself.
But F-type stars, while once thought to be inhospitable, could be prime candidates for habitability.
F-type stars have a mass about 10 to 60 per cent more than our sun.
This also gives them a surface temperature ranging from 5,800 to 6,900°C (10,500 to 12,500°F) – our Sun is just under 5,500°C (10,000°F).
They are also thought to remain stable for 2 to 4 billion years, which led the researchers to estimate there would be a sufficient window of opportunity for life to get a foothold.
Hotter, brighter stars (top) are thought to have larger habitable zones than our sun (middle), although exactly how habitable they are remains to be determined. Red dwarf stars (bottom), meanwhile, which are dimmer than our sun, have a smaller habitable zone
'It has been argued that the most likely host candidates for exobiology should be K-type or even M-type stars based on their relatively long life spans and high frequency compared to the other types of main sequence stars,' paper co-author Manfred Cuntz, a professor of physics at the University of Texas at Arlington, and lead scientist of the project, told Astrobiology Magazine.
'But the only case known for life to exist is the environment of our sun, identified as a relatively hot and massive G-type star.
'Therefore, it appears to be fully appropriate to explore the possibility of exobiology for stars even hotter and more massive than the Sun.'
The researchers say that F-type stars are probably at the upper range of where life can survive.
Any hotter and the amount of ultraviolet radiation emitted destroys molecules like DNA that are regarded as essential ingredients for life.
The study suggests beings on a planet in orbit around an F-type star would receive up to 7.1 more radiation damage than we receive on Earth.
But an atmosphere or ocean could provide sufficient protection to allow the alien life to survive.
This is a scatter graph used to classify stars in the universe.
It was created in 1910 by Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russel.
It shows the relationship of a star's magnitude (how bright it appears to us) and luminosity (how bright it actually is) to its temperature.
As stars evolve they move to different points on the graph.
Based on stars we have observed, the graph shows us how a star will change over time.
Through the middle runs the 'Main Sequence' of stars, upon which most stars begin.
Some will evolve into giants in the top right, while others will ultimately become white dwarfs in the bottom left.
Our sun will become a red giant in about 4 billion years.
Our sun is a G-type star and sits in the middle of what is known as the 'main-sequence' of stars on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. The next 'level' up in stars is F-type, which can be up to 60 per cent more massive then the sun and emit up to 7.1 times as much radiation
In addition, increased ultraviolet (UV) radiation can provide the source of energy life needs to evolve.
'Broadly speaking, UV should be considered both a friend and a foe to the principal possibility of life,' Cuntz said.
'At the present stage of Earth in regard to many of its life forms, the lack of an ozone layer would be truly harmful to most types of surface life.
'On the other hand, in regard to life's origin and early stages of evolution, a notable UV intensity could be important for facilitating the onset of life by triggering relevant early-stage biochemical reactions.'
Another promising aspect of F-type stars is that they could have larger habitable zones, the regions around a star where liquid water can exist.
This means that more planets in orbit around the stars have a chance to form water.
However as F-type stars are rarer than smaller ones like our sun, their is less chance to study them in detail.
Nonetheless, the researchers conclude that astronomers should not limit their hunt for habitable planets to stars like our own, and should instead also consider some of these hotter stars.
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