Boeing's vision of manned spaceflight revealed: Firm unveils concept for space transport set to launch in 2017


Since the Space Shuttle was retired in July 2011, the US has relied on Russia to get its astronauts into orbit.

But through their Commercial Crew Program, Nasa has been busy funding the development of a new breed of spacecraft.

And now Boeing has unveiled its capsule that will begin transporting astronauts into space by 2017.

Boeing has unveiled a mockup of the interior of their new Crew Space Transportation (CST-100) vehicle that will be used to astronauts into space in the coming years. The capsule is funded by Nasa as part of their programme to develop private spacecraft

Boeing has unveiled a mockup of the interior of their new Crew Space Transportation (CST-100) vehicle that will be used to astronauts into space in the coming years. The capsule is funded by Nasa as part of their programme to develop private spacecraft

Boeing's vision for the future of human spaceflight is the Crew Space Transportation (CST-100).

They unveiled the new commercial interior of its Crew Space Transportation (CST-100) next-generation manned space capsule, showing how people other than Nasa astronauts may one day travel to space.

This is the first time they have made the design of the interior public.


Boeing and partner Bigelow Aerospace highlighted the future commercial interior of the capsule it is developing for Nasa, while Bigelow showcased a full-scale model of its BA 330 inflatable space habitat that astronauts could one day live in.

'We are moving into a truly commercial space market and we have to consider our potential  customers - beyond Nasa - and what they need in a future commercial spacecraft interior,' said Chris Ferguson, former Space Shuttle Atlantis commander and current Boeing director of Crew and Mission Operations for the Commercial Crew Program.

Engineers from across Boeing leveraged the company's decades of experience in commercial and government aerospace to design the capsule's interior.

The capsule, interior view of a prototype pictured, will be able to seat a crew of seven and it will also be able to take cargo into orbit. It is in direct competition with SpaceX's manned Dragon capsule and Sierra Nevada's Dream Chaser space plane, all of which are vying to be the first private company to take humans into space

The capsule, interior view of a prototype pictured, will be able to seat a crew of seven and it will also be able to take cargo into orbit. It is in direct competition with SpaceX's manned Dragon capsule and Sierra Nevada's Dream Chaser space plane, all of which are vying to be the first private company to take humans into space

'Boeing's teams have been designing award-winning and innovative interiors for our airplanes since the dawn of commercial aviation,' said Rachelle Ornan, regional director of Sales and Marketing for Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

'Designing the next-generation interior for commercial space is a natural progression. A familiar daytime blue sky scene helps passengers maintain their connection with Earth.'

The CST-100, developed as part of Nasa's Commercial Crew Integrated Capability initiative, is designed to transport crew and cargo to low-Earth-orbit.

One thing of note is that the capsule seems very clean and tidy.

Spacecraft are generally an array of wires and buttons, but it seems Boeing are going for a 'cleaner' approach.

It also has a surprisingly large number of windows, something not normally favoured by engineers but preferred by astronauts.

The seats are lightweight and plastic to keep the weight of the capsule down.

The CST-100 spacecraft will at first be used to take astronauts to the ISS, pictured. However, Boeing also envisages a future where it is used to transport astronauts to private spacecraft such as Bigelow Aerospace's inflatable habitats, which will be launched in the future

The CST-100 spacecraft will at first be used to take astronauts to the ISS, pictured. However, Boeing also envisages a future where it is used to transport astronauts to private spacecraft such as Bigelow Aerospace's inflatable habitats, which will be launched in the future

The CST-100 is designed to carry a crew of seven people into orbit to the ISS or whatever over space station comes to be built in future.

However, Boeing also has plans to make the spacecraft available for private missions, highlighted by their partnership with Bigelow Aerospace.

Bigelow is in the process of developing a series of inflatable space habitats, known as the BA 330, with a view to launching them into orbit in the coming years.

They have already tested inflatable habitat technology with their Genesis 1 and 2 missions in 2006 and 2007.

In 2017 they will attach an inflatable module to the ISS to further test the technology, before launching a standalone habitat in the future.


Three companies are currently receiving funding from Nasa to develop manned vehicles as part of the Commercial Crew Program.

The first is SpaceX, the company that seemingly came from nowhere a decade ago and has now flown the unmanned Dragon spacecraft to the ISS three times on its successful Falcon 9 series of rockets.

They are in the process of developing a manned version of the Dragon spacecraft that can take a crew of seven into orbit, with rumours suggesting it may be unveiled this month with a view to launching its first crew as early as next year.

Boeing, meanwhile, with a rich heritage in space exploration is building the seven-seater CST-100 capsule.

And finally Sierra Nevada Corporation are constructing what some regard as the true successor to the Space Shuttle.

Known as the Dream Chaser, this 'mini-shuttle' of sorts will launch upright on top of a rocket, taking a crew of seven into orbit before gliding back to Earth at the end of its mission.

With testing already underway, Dream Chaser is expected to undertake its first mission into space for the first time in 2017 on an Atlas V rocket.


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