Look, no hands! Google says its driverless cars are mastering California's city streets and could be available by 2017


Google claims it has turned a corner in its efforts to create the ultimate self-driving car.

In a blog post, the company said its self-driving cars have now mastered motorway driving.

But city driving - with its obstacle course of stray walkers, bicyclists and blind corners - has been a far greater challenge for the cars' computers.

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Google claims its self-driving cars have now mastered motorway driving. But it said city driving has been a far greater challenge for the cars' computers and it will now be focusing on improving technology in this area.  Pictured is Google co-founder Sergey Brin after riding in a driverless car with officials

Google claims its self-driving cars have now mastered motorway driving. But it said city driving has been a far greater challenge for the cars' computers and it will now be focusing on improving technology in this area. Pictured is Google co-founder Sergey Brin after riding in a driverless car with officials

Chris Urmson, the project's leader, said test cars now can handle thousands of urban situations that would have stumped them a year ago.

'We're growing more optimistic that we're heading toward an achievable goal - a vehicle that operates fully without human intervention,' he wrote.


Urmson's post was the company's first official update since 2012 on progress toward a driverless car, which has been underway within the company's secretive Google X lab.

The company has said its goal is to get the technology to the public by 2017.

Chris Urmson, the project's leader, said test cars now can handle thousands of urban situations. 'We're growing more optimistic that we're heading toward an achievable goal - a vehicle that operates fully without human intervention,' he wrote. Pictured is the company's onboard camera navigating city streets in California

Chris Urmson, the project's leader, said test cars now can handle thousands of urban situations. 'We're growing more optimistic that we're heading toward an achievable goal - a vehicle that operates fully without human intervention,' he wrote. Pictured is the company's onboard camera navigating city streets in California


Tesla concept car

Google isn't the only one working on driverless car technology.  Zürich-based Rinspeed has decided to pimp Tesla's ride in its latest concept car for truly autonomous driving.

Designed to be a car, office, living room and urban space all in one package, the XchangE electric vehicle aims to make driving completely stress-free.

'Travelling in a driverless car will no longer require me to stare at the road, but will let me spend my time in a more meaningful way,' said Rinspeed founder Frank Rinderknecht.

The all-electric touring sedan features seats that can tilt, swivel and slide into more than twenty different seating arrangements. According to the company, 'passengers will be able to assume virtually any seating or resting position when travelling in the car.'

To begin with, human drivers would be expected to take control if the computer fails. The promise is that, eventually, there would be no need for a driver.

Passengers could read, daydream, sleep - or work - while the car drives.

Google maintains that computers will one day drive far more safely than humans, and part of the company's pitch is that robotic cars can reduce traffic fatalities.

The basics are now in place. The task for Google now is perfecting the technology strapped onto its fleet of about two dozen Lexus RX450H SUVs.

Sensors including radar and lasers create 3D maps of a self-driving car's surroundings in real-time, while Google's software sorts objects into four categories.

These include moving vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and static objects such as signs, curbs and parked cars.

Initially, the car's capabilities were fairly crude. A group of pedestrians on a street corner registered as a single person.

Now, the technology can distinguish individuals, according to Google spokeswoman Courtney Hohne.

To deal with cyclists, engineers initially programmed the software to look for hand gestures that indicate an upcoming turn.

The company has said its goal is to get the technology to the public by 2017. To begin with, human drivers would be expected to take control if the computer fails. The promise is that, eventually, there would be no need for a driver. Passengers could read, daydream, sleep - or work - while the car drives

The company has said its goal is to get the technology to the public by 2017. To begin with, human drivers would be expected to take control if the computer fails. The promise is that, eventually, there would be no need for a driver. Passengers could read, daydream, sleep - or work - while the car drives

Then they realised that most cyclists don't use standard gestures - and still others weave down a road the wrong way.

Engineers have taught the software to predict the behaviour of cyclists based on thousands of encounters during the approximately 10,000 miles (16,000 km) the cars have driven autonomously on city streets, Hohne said.

The software projects a cyclist's likely movements and plots the car's path accordingly - then reacts if something unexpected happens.

'A mile of city driving is much more complex than a mile of freeway driving, with hundreds of different objects moving according to different rules of the road in a small area,' Urmson wrote.

Before recent breakthroughs, Google had considered mapping all the world's stop signs.

Now the technology can read stop signs, including those held in the hands of school crossing guards, Hohne added.

This is the view the car sees when its navigating an intersection. Initially, the car's capabilities were fairly crude. A group of pedestrians on a street corner registered as a single person, for example. Now, the technology can distinguish individuals

This is the view the car sees when its navigating an intersection. Initially, the car's capabilities were fairly crude. A group of pedestrians on a street corner registered as a single person, for example. Now, the technology can distinguish individuals

A user, who is legally blind, sat behind the wheel during a recent test drive and showed off to the passengers that no hands were needed To date, Google's cars have gone about 700,000 miles (1.1 million km) in self-driving mode

A user, who is legally blind, sat behind the wheel during a recent test drive and showed off to the passengers that no hands were needed To date, Google's cars have gone about 700,000 miles (1.1 million km) in self-driving mode


Mean streets: Google cars have driven about 700,000 accident-free miles (1.1 million km)  on motorways in 'autonomous mode'. Google has been focusing on city driving for the past year.

To-do list: Google's Lexus RX450H SUVs are retrofitted with lasers, radar and cameras rapidly learned how to handle thousands of urban driving situations.  Improvements are needed in merging and lane changes, turning right on red and handling bad weather.

Local tests: So far, the tech giant has focused on street driving in Mountain View, California. The state, along with, Nevada, Florida, Michigan  and Washington, D.C., have formally opened public streets to testing of self-driving cars.

The future is (almost) here: In 2012, Google co-founder Sergey Brin predicted that the public would be able to get hold of the technology within five years. This prediction has not been revised.

Google, the carmaker: While Google has enough money to invest in making cars, that likelihood is remote.  Industry experts believe more likely options include collaborating with major car makers or giving away the software, as Google did with its Android operating system.

While the car knows when to stop, when to start again is still a challenge because the cars are programmed to drive defensively.

At a four-way stop, Google's cars have been known to wait in place as people driving in other directions edge out into the intersection.

The cars still need work on other predictably common tasks. Among them, understanding the gestures that drivers give one another to signal it's fine to merge or change lanes, turning right on red and driving in rain or fog.

'You can count on one hand the number of years until people, ordinary people, can experience this,' company co-founder Sergey Brin said in 2012.

He made the remarks at a ceremony where California Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation legalising the cars on public roads in the state.

To date, Google's cars have gone about 700,000 miles (1.1 million km) in self-driving mode, the vast majority on motoways, the company said.

California's Department of Motor Vehicles is in the process of writing regulations to implement that law. Nevada, Florida, Michigan and Washington, D.C., also have written driverless car laws.

Google has not said how it plans to market the technology. Options include collaborating with major carmakers or giving away the software, as the company did with its Android operating system.

While Google has the balance sheet to invest in making cars, that likelihood is remote.

Traditional automakers also are developing driverless cars. Renault-Nissan chief exectuve Carlos Ghosn said he hopes to deliver a model to the public by 2020.


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