Is the 'Gospel of Jesus's Wife' a fake after all? Fresh doubts cast over ancient papyrus that suggested Jesus was married after another in the collection with the same handwriting is proved to be forgery


Fresh questions over the authenticity of the 'Gospel of Jesus's Wife' papyrus have been raised after a text from the same collection written in the same handwriting was proved to be a fake, experts say.

Written in ancient Coptic, the Gospel of Jesus' Wife seemingly indicates Jesus was married as it reads: 'Jesus said to them, "My wife"' and '…she will be able to be my disciple…'

Since then, historians and religious leaders have attempted to both prove and deny the artecfact's credibility.  Last month, carbon testing on the papyrus seemed to suggest it was written between the fourth and eighth centuries and was therefore authentic.

However, experts say another fragment from the same collection as the Jesus's wife papyrus is a fake - casting doubts on the legitimacy of the latter.

The discovery of a scrap of papyrus in 2012 (pictured) that claimed Jesus had a wife  caused a holy row of words over its authenticity. Now, latest evidence appears to suggest it is a fake

The discovery of a scrap of papyrus in 2012 (pictured) that claimed Jesus had a wife caused a holy row of words over its authenticity. Now, latest evidence appears to suggest it is a fake


The papyrus' back side, or verso, is so badly damaged that only a few key words - 'my mother' and 'three'- were decipherable, but on the front side, or recto, Professor King gleaned eight fragmentary lines:

  • not [to] me. My mother gave to me li[fe]...
  • The disciples said to Jesus,
  • deny. Mary is worthy of it
  • Jesus said to them, My wife
  • she will be able to be my disciple
  • Let wicked people swell up
  • As for me, I dwell with her in order to
  • an image

The forgery - a fragment of the canonical Gospel of John - is also written in the same handwriting, with the same writing instrument and ink - which for some proves once and for all the Jesus's wife piece is fake.

Debate over the fragment's authenticity is set to continue as some will no doubt question these latest findings.

The artefact was first shown to the world around 18 months ago by respected Harvard professor Karen King.

The collection of documents, which were given to Professor King anonymously, immediately caused a stir, with some using it to prove Jesus was married instead of celibate - a view which could undermine some of the Church's main teachings.

At the time, a furious Vatican newspaper dismissed the find as a fake. One editor, Giovanni Maria Vian, wrote a stinging piece entitled 'At any rate, a fake.'

Other holes in its authenticity were also reported. Some claimed that - for a small scrap the size of a business card - the fragment seemed to contain a lot of important information. As well as suggesting Jesus had a wife, it also described someone called Mary as 'worthy' and capable of being a disciple.

The handwriting was also deemed to be untidy, while some drew comparisons between the document and another Coptic Christian text, called the 'Gospel of Thomas.'

At the time, New Testament expert Professor Francis Watson of Durham University said that the fragment was a collage of texts from Thomas which had been copied and reassembled out of order in bad ancient Coptic.

However, the scrap did have faint traces of ink which had been worn away - perhaps suggesting it was a true document.

Also, some experts highlighted text used in ancient papyruses if often reproduced from other sources.

The piece was finally submitted for carbon testing last month. There, scientists proved the papyrus itself and the ink were genuine.

Ancient: The back side, or verso, of the papyrus. New evidence suggests this document is a fake as another papyrus in the collection - which is written in the same handwriting - has been proved to be a forgery

Ancient: The back side, or verso, of the papyrus. New evidence suggests this document is a fake as another papyrus in the collection - which is written in the same handwriting - has been proved to be a forgery

The papyrus was examined by electrical engineering, chemistry and biology experts from Columbia University, Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) who declared the parchment was indeed several hundred years old.

The study, published in the Harvard Theological Review, revealed the document was found to date to eighth century Egypt, around 400 years later than Professor King originally thought.


Critics have said that the fragment is a collage of pieces of the Gospel of Thomas by someone with a dubious grasp of ancient Coptic.

One scholar even claims to have found a typo in an online edition of the gospel, which matches one in what they say is a forgery.

Other experts have claimed that ink pooling suggests that the document was created in modern times.

Leo Depuydt, an Egyptologist at Brown University, said that none of the new tests have convinced him that the papyrus is a fake.

He wrote in the Harvard Theological Review that a forger may have 'wanted to put his or her own spin on modern theological issues' such as celibacy and the role of women in the Church.

'As a forgery, it is bad to the point of being farcical or fobbish. . . . I don't buy the argument that this is sophisticated. I think it could be done in an afternoon by an undergraduate student,' he said.

The provenance of the papyrus has also been questioned. The owner of the document has asked to remain anonymous but said that he acquired the artefact along with five other papyri in 1999 from a collector who got them in the 1960s in East Germany.

Additional tests showed that the ink's chemical composition is consistent with other inks used by the ancient Egyptians, while microscopic imaging found no suspicious ink pooling that critics of the papyrus said was evidence of the ink being applied in more recent times.

At the same time, other papyri from the collection were tested for means of comparison. One of those was a fragment from the canonical Gospel' of John written in a rare ancient dialect of Coptic known as Lycopolitan. A Lycopolitan version of John, which was first published in 1924, is now available online.

Cross comparisons show the online John text was very similar to the 'ancient' papyrus, CNN reports.

Furthermore, carbon dating of the John fragment suggests it was from the seventh to ninth centuries. The Lycopolitan dialect died out as a language sometime before the sixth century - a great deal of time before the papyrus was written.

Experts are now saying this is evidence that the whole collection is a fake.

Writing in a blog for CNN, Joel S. Baden - an associate professor of Old Testament at Yale Divinity School - and Candida Moss - a professor of New Testament and early Christianity at the University of Notre Dame - said: 'It's never a good sign for a text of doubtful authenticity to be found in the company of a sure forgery.

'More directly: Multiple experts agree that the fragment of John and the Jesus' wife papyrus are written in the same hand, using the same ink and even the same writing instrument.

'Simply put: If one is a forgery, they're both forgeries.'

Christian Askeland, a Coptic specialist and assistant research professor at Indiana Wesleyan University told Charlotte Allen of the Weekly Standard: 'The fragment [of John] contains exactly the same hand, exactly the same ink and has been written with the same writing instrument [as the "Jesus' wife" fragment].

'One would assume that it were part of the same writing event, be it modern or ancient. In some sense, this is not a surprise, as the Ink Results indicated that the ink was very similar.'

Professor King has previously said the document does not necessarily prove Jesus had a wife - but questions Christian ideas of women, marriage and celibacy.

She said previsouly: 'I'm basically hoping that we can move past the issue of forgery to questions about the significance of this fragment for the history of Christianity, for thinking about questions like, "Why does Jesus being married, or not, even matter?" Why is it that people had such an incredible reaction to this?'

Professor King originally interpreted the document as a debate about celibacy.

'Now when I come back and read the fragment, it seems the major issue being talked about was that Jesus was affirming that wives and mothers can be his disciples,' she said in an interview earlier this week.

Professor Karen King - whose discovery of the papyrus caused controversy back in 2012

Professor Karen King - whose discovery of the papyrus caused controversy back in 2012

At the time the papyrus was announced, Professor King told Smithsonian Magazine that the fragment casts doubt 'on the whole Catholic claim of a celibate priesthood based on Jesus' celibacy.'

She said: 'What this shows is that there were early Christians for whom ... sexual union in marriage could be an imitation of God's creativity and it could be spiritually proper and appropriate.'

Professor King speculated that the so-called 'Gospel of Jesus' Wife' may have been thrown out 'because the ideas it contained flowed so strongly against the ascetic currents of the tides in which Christian practices and understandings of marriage and sexual intercourse were surging.'

This representation of Jesus as a man with earthly passions and needs has not survived in the doctrines of the established churches, which emphasise celibacy and asceticism as a spiritual ideal.


Many people over the centuries have tried to work out a 'bloodline' for possible descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

Many historians agree that there is no historical, biblical, archaeological or genetic evidence to support the idea.

But the fragment of papyrus that is said to be a translation of a lost gospel has Jesus referring to 'my wife'

A 13th century Cistercian monk and historian Peter of Vaux de Cernay claimed that Jesus had a relationship with Mary Magdalene.

Early Mormon leaders stated that Jesus as polygamous based upon an obscure passage attributed to a second century Greek philosopher called Celsus.

In the 19th century, a politician called Louis Martin published a 'history' book that claimed Jesus was married to Mary and that they both travelled to the South of France where they had a son.

Subsequent books have claimed Jesus fathered a child with Mary - or possibly had more offspring with a Kashmiri woman. Author Andreas Faber-Kaiser interviewed one person who claimed to be a Kashmiri descendant of Jesus.

Mary Magdalene has also been said to be the mother of Saint Sarah, while another author claims Jesus and Mary are the ancestors of all the European royal families.


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