The fighter jet that's so precise it is affected by the MOON and has to be built using lasers on 'floating' concrete rafts


Aside from making a fighter jet lightweight, agile and astonishingly fast, engineers of one the world's most advanced aircraft have another, more surprising issue to contend with: the moon.

BAE System's Typhoon is so accurate that even the movements of the tide can disrupt the jet fighter's positioning and accuracy.

To counteract even the slightest shifts in gravitational pull, experts must build the jet on 'floating' concrete rafts that move in sync with the moon.

The Typhoon (pictured) is powered by two Eurojet EJ200 engines. It is 49ft (15 metres) long from tip to tip and the material is 'no more than the thickness of a match stick.' This helps its 'fly by wire' computer system to accurately control the aircraft, designed to be unstable but hugely agile

The Typhoon (pictured) is powered by two Eurojet EJ200 engines. It is 49ft (15 metres) long from tip to tip and the material is 'no more than the thickness of a match stick.' This helps its 'fly by wire' computer system to accurately control the aircraft, designed to be unstable but hugely agile

These rafts measure 59ft (18 metres) long and 9.8ft (3 metres) thick and are used to house the measuring equipment.  

Two laser trackers and nine jacks are positioned on a single surface, to make sure all movement is relative, and they control the alignment of the barges by cancelling out the subtle effects of the moon and the tides it creates.

This means the jet will be in 'near perfect alignment whatever the moon may be doing,' said Martin Topping, Head of Typhoon Maintenance and Upgrade. 

'Every time the moon pulls the tide in and out, the ground under our feet actually moves by between one and two millimetres, he continued. 


The Typhoon is powered by two Eurojet EJ200 engines. 

It is 49ft (15 metres) long from tip to tip and the material is 'no more than the thickness of a match stick.'

This helps its 'fly by wire' computer system to accurately control the aircraft, designed to be unstable but hugely agile, and this build accuracy can save enough fuel to fill up an average family car, or around 60 litres.

The Typhoon can take off in less than 8 seconds, achieve supersonic speeds in under 30 seconds and reach altitudes of 36,000 feet Mach 1.6 in under two and a half minutes.

It is able to pull up to 9G, which creates a pressure equivalent to 30 African elephants.

To counteract even the slightest shifts in gravitational pull, engineers build the jet on 'floating' concrete rafts. 

These rafts measure 59ft (18 metres) long and 9.8ft (3 metres) thick and are used to house the measuring equipment.  

Two laser trackers and nine jacks are positioned on a single surface, to make sure all movement is relative, and they control the alignment of the barges by cancelling out the subtle effects of the moon and tide. 

'That might not sound a lot, but given the tolerances we are working to on Typhoon, two millimetres is two millimetres too much.'

Lancashire-based BAE Systems paid £2.5 million ($3.7 million) for this setup and said the 'result is one of the most perfectly aligned fast jet airframes in the world.'

The Typhoon itself is 49ft (15 metres) long from tip to tip and the material is 'no more than the thickness of a match stick.'

This helps its 'fly by wire' computer system to accurately control the aircraft, designed to be unstable but hugely agile, and this build accuracy can save enough fuel to fill up an average family car, or 60 litres.

Elsewhere, the Typhoon can take off in less than 8 seconds, achieve supersonic speeds in under 30 seconds and reach altitudes of 36,000 feet Mach 1.6 in under two and a half minutes. 

It takes light from the Sun eight minutes to reach Earth and the firm said the Typhoon can travel from London to Paris in the same time.

And it can fly from Lands End to John 'O Groats - a total of 603 miles (970km) - in under 30 mins.  

It is able to pull up to 9G, which creates a pressure on the wings equivalent to 30 African elephants. 

And pilots fly with the Typhoon Striker helmet. 

Facing directly into the sun, or even when it's dark, their location as well as potential threats are shown on this helmet's visor, and pilots can see thermal images through the use of Night Vision Goggles.

To counteract even the slightest shifts in gravitational pull, engineers build the jet on 'floating' concrete rafts (pictured). Two laser trackers and nine jacks are positioned on a single surface, to make sure all movement is relative, and they control the alignment of the barges by cancelling out subtle effects of the moon and tide

To counteract even the slightest shifts in gravitational pull, engineers build the jet on 'floating' concrete rafts (pictured). Two laser trackers and nine jacks are positioned on a single surface, to make sure all movement is relative, and they control the alignment of the barges by cancelling out subtle effects of the moon and tide

This means the jet (pictured) will be in 'near perfect alignment whatever the moon may be doing,' said Martin Topping, Head of Typhoon Maintenance and Upgrade

This means the jet (pictured) will be in 'near perfect alignment whatever the moon may be doing,' said Martin Topping, Head of Typhoon Maintenance and Upgrade

Pilots fly with the Typhoon Striker helmet wired to the plane to let pilots lock onto targets with 'just a look' and a voice command. It also lets pilots 'see' enemy aircraft through the body of the plane. A radar in the nose detects enemy aircraft and projects its image to the pilot's visor

Pilots fly with the Typhoon Striker helmet wired to the plane to let pilots lock onto targets with 'just a look' and a voice command. It also lets pilots 'see' enemy aircraft through the body of the plane. A radar in the nose detects enemy aircraft and projects its image to the pilot's visor

The helmet is wired to the plane to let pilots lock onto targets with 'just a look' and a voice command. It also lets pilots 'see' enemy aircraft through the body of the plane.

For example, a radar in the nose of the Typhoon detects enemy aircraft hidden from the pilot's view. As the pilot looks towards the position of the enemy aircraft, its image is projected on the visor.

They can then lock-on to the aircraft by voice command, which means the enemy is also tracked by the aircraft's weapons systems. 

Sensors on the helmet 'talk' to the fixed sensors on the aircraft so the Typhoon always knows exactly where the pilot is looking. 

Weapons sensors on the Typhoon track enemy aircraft and missile information and feed it back to the plane, which is directly wired to the helmet.  

. Lancashire-based BAE Systems paid £2.5 million ($3.7 million) for this setup (pictured) and said the 'result is one of the most perfectly aligned fast jet airframes in the world'

. Lancashire-based BAE Systems paid £2.5 million ($3.7 million) for this setup (pictured) and said the 'result is one of the most perfectly aligned fast jet airframes in the world'

Sensors on the helmet (pictured) 'talk' to the fixed sensors on the aircraft so the Typhoon always knows exactly where the pilot is looking. Weapons sensors on the Typhoon track enemy aircraft and missile information and feed it back to the plane

Sensors on the helmet (pictured) 'talk' to the fixed sensors on the aircraft so the Typhoon always knows exactly where the pilot is looking. Weapons sensors on the Typhoon track enemy aircraft and missile information and feed it back to the plane

Inside the cockpit, BAE Systems has designed lighting that is clear and legible at all times. 

The company's Ambient Light Facility in Warton is specifically designed to replicate the full range of lighting conditions of each journey. 

This specialised facility has been used by firms that make displays for bank ATM machines as part of a group called Sunshine Club.

The cockpit is made of glass and includes a wide-angle Head Up Display (HUD), full-colour Multifunctional Head Down Displays (MHDDs) and Helmet Mounted Symbology System (HMSS).

The cockpit is made of glass and includes a wide-angle Head Up Display (HUD), full-colour Multifunctional Head Down Displays (MHDDs) and Helmet Mounted Symbology System (HMSS). These displays and computer systems provide pilots (pictured) with information from sensors and flight instruments

The cockpit is made of glass and includes a wide-angle Head Up Display (HUD), full-colour Multifunctional Head Down Displays (MHDDs) and Helmet Mounted Symbology System (HMSS). These displays and computer systems provide pilots (pictured) with information from sensors and flight instruments

Inside the cockpit, BAE Systems has designed lighting that is clear and legible at all times. The company's Ambient Light Facility in Warton (Chris Gerrard, lighting test engineer is pictured) is specifically designed to replicate the full range of lighting conditions of each journey

Inside the cockpit, BAE Systems has designed lighting that is clear and legible at all times. The company's Ambient Light Facility in Warton (Chris Gerrard, lighting test engineer is pictured) is specifically designed to replicate the full range of lighting conditions of each journey

These displays and computer systems provide the pilot with information from sensors, flight instruments and aircraft mission computers. A parachute is inside the ejector seat on the aircraft.

And to reduce pilot workload, the Typhoon has a Voice Throttle and Stick (VTAS) system which means the pilot can keep his hand on the throttle and operate the majority of the aircraft's controls from this position.

Additional commands can be given through voice activation.

It is worn as part of the Typhoon jet fighter pilot's suit. 

In this suit there is a single connection to 'feed the pilot' with air, oxygen and radio connection and the suit's trousers inflate to counteract the loss of blood from the head to the feet when the aircraft hits G force.

This image reveals the various components of a Typhoon jet fighter test pilot's suit. A parachute is inside the ejector seat on the aircraft. There is a single connection to 'feed the pilot' with air, oxygen and radio connection. The suit's trousers inflate to counteract the loss of blood from the head to the feet 

This image reveals the various components of a Typhoon jet fighter test pilot's suit. A parachute is inside the ejector seat on the aircraft. There is a single connection to 'feed the pilot' with air, oxygen and radio connection. The suit's trousers inflate to counteract the loss of blood from the head to the feet 





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