The end of sensitive teeth? Paste treatment mimics tooth enamel to halt the pain of eating cold foods - and lasts at least 70 days


A paste that mimics and even helps to rebuild worn tooth enamel could soon bring relief to sufferers of sensitive teeth.

Researchers in Taiwan have developed a material that can form a barrier over areas of teeth that are responsible for causing pain when eating hot or cold foods.

The study found that when tested on dogs, the paste provided relief for at least 70 days. 

The paste developed by the researchers enters the exposed dentine tubes (a) and gradually crystalises (b) until the tube is completely sealed (c) preventing the fluid in the tubes from being disturbed and causing pain

The paste developed by the researchers enters the exposed dentine tubes (a) and gradually crystalises (b) until the tube is completely sealed (c) preventing the fluid in the tubes from being disturbed and causing pain

At least one in five adults suffer from sensitive teeth at some point and the problem is particularly high among people aged between 40 and 50 years old. 

It is caused by areas of the soft dentine that lies beneath the hard enamel of teeth becomes exposed.

This dentine contains hundreds of thousands of microscopic tube-like structures that radiate out from the pulp and contain a fluid.


Tooth sensitivity tends to occur as a result of the gradual exposure of the softer inner parts of the tooth that lie beneath the enamel, known as 'dentine'.

Dentine is composed of tiny tubules that lead to the nerves that extend though the tooth pulp.

These tubes are filled with fluid that can be disturbed by sudden changes in temperature that occur when eating or drinking cold and hot foods. Extremely sweet or hard foods can also cause changes in the fluid.

The movement of the fluid triggers the mechanoreceptors on the nerves in the tooth, triggering a short, sharp pain. 

Dentine can also be exposed as gums recede or if tooth enamel is chipped.

Changes in the flow of the fluid in the dentine tubes due to physical pressure or hot or cold drinks triggers nerves located on the pulp side of the tubes.

Now Professor Chun-Pin Lin, a researcher at the school of dentistry at the National Taiwan University, and his colleagues claim to have an answer.

They have developed a material using calcium carbonate and silica that can seal the exposed dentine tubes and catalyse the regeneration of enamel.

They have now tested their new paste on dogs and found that it plugged exposed tubes more deeply than other treatments, such as special toothpastes.

Tests on the dogs' teeth revealed 'significant crystal growth' and 'no pulp irritation after 70 days,' wrote researchers.

Professor Lin said: 'The biomimetic crystal layer can serve as a more reliable barrier that protects the pulp tissue.

'In fact, this crystal layer may act as a promoter for the mineralization of the pulp-dentin complex by inducing the permeation of calcium ions.

'We believe that the novel mesoporous biomaterials presented here have great potential for serving as both a catalyst and as a carrier in the repair or regeneration of dental hard tissue.

'Overall, the animal study revealed that the paste exhibited a more favorable dentin pulp response than did the other treatments.'


Cold foods like ice cream can trigger sensitive teeth

Cold foods like ice cream can trigger sensitive teeth

The natural 'glue' used by mussels to stick to rocks has offered another potential cure for sensitive teeth.

Quan-Li Li, of China's Anhui Medical University, and Chun Hung Chu, of the University of Hong Kong, drew inspiration from the sticky secretions produced by mussels.

His team created a compound that could help keep minerals in contact with dentine long enough for the teeth to rebuild.

They created a sticky polydopamine material mixed with the minerals calcium and phosphate.

In tests in the lab, reported in journal Applied Materials and Interfaces, teeth bathed in the sticky material and minerals reformed dentine and enamel.

In contrast, teeth bathed just in minerals reformed only enamel.

They authors say that the substance 'may be a simple universal technique to induce enamel and dentine remineralisation simultaneously'. 

Sensitive teeth is caused by the soft dentine beneath the enamel becoming exposed, meaning that hot and cold foods can trigger nerves inside the tooth to cause shooting pains that affect around one in five adults

The graphic above shows how the molecules of calcium carbonate silicate (labelled CCMS) paste combines with phosphoric acid to produce calcium (labed Ca2+) crystals that eventually seal the exposed dentine tubes

The graphic above shows how the molecules of calcium carbonate silicate (labelled CCMS) paste combines with phosphoric acid to produce calcium (labed Ca2+) crystals that eventually seal the exposed dentine tubes

Tests in dogs showed that the new paste treatment could be used to repair cavities in their tooth enamel

Tests in dogs showed that the new paste treatment could be used to repair cavities in their tooth enamel

An estimated 40 million adults in the US suffer from sensitive teeth at some point.

It normally occurs as the enamel on teeth is worn down by over brushing and decay, or if enamel becomes chipped.

While some toothpastes have been developed to help reduce the pain from sensitive teeth, they are only temporary and require continual use to prevent it from returning.

However, writing in the journal American Chemical Society Nano, Professor Lin believes his paste may provide a more permanent solution.

It uses gelatin to deliver a calcum carbonate silicate to the problem tooth. This is mixed with phosphoric acid, which causes crystals to grow on the dentine and seals up any exposed tubes.

These crystals penetrate deeper into the dentine tubes and so provide a far longer lasting seal, he said. 

The researchers hope the treatment could also be used to repair minor damage to teeth caused by tooth decay and to reduce the pain caused by tooth chips.



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