Microscopic machines travel inside a living ANIMAL for the first time - and could one day be used to deliver drugs in humans


Microscopic 'machines' have travelled inside a living animal for the first time.

The minute motors delivered nano-particles to the stomach lining of a mouse, with no toxic effects.

It's hoped the technology could one day be used to deploy drugs into certain locations in the human body.

'Micromotors' have travelled inside a living mouse for the first time to deliver nano-particles to its stomach lining. They can be seen in a scannning electron microscopy (SEM) image on the left, while the right-hand image with added x-ray data shows their zinc coating

'Micromotors' have travelled inside a living mouse for the first time to deliver nano-particles to its stomach lining. They can be seen in a scannning electron microscopy (SEM) image on the left, while the right-hand image with added x-ray data shows their zinc coating

It is not the first time that drug-delivering 'micromotors' have been created, but until now, they had only been tested in cell samples in the laboratory, and not inside a living creature.

A team of researchers from the University of California, San Diego, fed 'small-scale synthetic motors that convert energy into movement' to mice.

They measure just 20 micrometres long, which is approximately the width of a human hair, the BBC reported. 

The tiny devices are made of polymer tubes and coated in zinc.

When they come into contact with stomach acid, the zinc produces bubbles of hydrogen, which propels them into the stomach's lining. 

The tiny devices are made of polymer tubes and coated in zinc.When they come into contact with stomach acid, the zinc produces bubbles of hydrogen, which propels them into the stomach's lining, where they attach and drop their delivery of nano particles. The process is illustrated

The tiny devices are made of polymer tubes and coated in zinc.When they come into contact with stomach acid, the zinc produces bubbles of hydrogen, which propels them into the stomach's lining, where they attach and drop their delivery of nano particles. The process is illustrated


Tiny motors are fed to mice.

They are each 20 micrometres long - the width of a human hair - and made of polymer tubes with a zinc coating.

When they come into contact with stomach acid, the zinc produces bubbles of hydrogen, which propels them into the stomach's lining.

When they reach the lining, they attach and dissolve, to drop their delivery of drugs.

When they reach the lining, they attach and dissolve, to drop their delivery of drugs.

Professors Liangfang Zhang and Joseph Wang, who led the study published in the journal ACS Nano, wrote: 'The body of the motors gradually dissolves in the gastric acid, autonomously releasing their carries payloads, leaving nothing toxic behind.'

They believe that their new method of delivering medicine could one day be used in humans to treat ulcers, among other ailments in relatively inaccessible parts of the body.

They admit that their research is the 'very first step' towards this goal and that more work is needed to examine how well micromotors in living animals can work.

But they wrote: 'Such an active motor-based delivery strategy offers dramatic improvement in the efficiency compared to common passive diffusion of orally administrated cargoes.'

They believe the breakthrough will 'promote interdisciplinary collaborations toward expanding the horizon of machines in medicine.'


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