Autism uncovered: Brains of people with the condition work in 'idiosyncratic' ways, claims groundbreaking study


It's still not known whether people with autism have more or less connections in parts of their brains that normally work in together.

Now a new study suggests the lack of common ground in this area reflects the fact that people with autism have connections that are uniquely their own.

The groundbreaking research could help lead to better diagnosis of autism and improve treatments, the scientists claim.

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A new study has found people with autism have connections that are uniquely their own. The individual with the more severe autism symptoms (right) showed greater deviations, both positive (more red) and negative (lighter blue), from the typical connectivity pattern compared to the individual with the less severe autism (left)

A new study has found people with autism have connections that are uniquely their own. The individual with the more severe autism symptoms (right) showed greater deviations, both positive (more red) and negative (lighter blue), from the typical connectivity pattern compared to the individual with the less severe autism (left)

'It opens up the possibility that there are many altered brain profiles all of which fall under the umbrella of 'autism','' said Dr Marlene Behrmann at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

The researchers studied data taken from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) conducted while the participants were at rest.

'Resting-state brain studies are important because that is when patterns emerge spontaneously, allowing us to see how various brain areas naturally connect and synchronise their activity,' said Avital Hahamy, a Ph.D. student in Dr Weizmann's Neurobiology Department.

The control participants' brains had similar connectivity patterns across different individuals.

The groundbreaking research could help lead to better diagnosis of autism and improve treatments, the scientists claim. Pictured is an artist's impression of synapses in the brain

The groundbreaking research could help lead to better diagnosis of autism and improve treatments, the scientists claim. Pictured is an artist's impression of synapses in the brain

However, those with autism tended to display much more unique patterns - each in its own, individual way.

Differences between the patterns in the autism and control groups could be explained by the way individuals in the two groups interact and communicate with their environment.

'From a young age, the average, typical person's brain networks get moulded by intensive interaction with people and the mutual environmental factors,' Mr Hahamy said.

'Such shared experiences could tend to make the synchronisation patterns in the control group's resting brains more similar to each other.

'It is possible that in ASD, as interactions with the environment are disrupted, each one develops a more uniquely individualistic brain organisation pattern.'

More research is needed to determine the range of factors that may cause the unique brain wave synchronisation patterns seen in people with autism, the researchers added.


People with autism see faces differently to their peers – a finding which may explain why they sometimes have difficulty judging facial expressions.

Symptoms of this complex condition vary from person to person but they can revolve around difficulty with social interaction and communication.

The latest discovery could improve understanding of people diagnosed with autism, helping family members, friends and healthcare workers better communicate with them.

Canadian researchers recruited 71 people, 33 people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and 33 people without the disorder.

The participants were presented 36 pairs of photographic and computer images of emotionally neutral faces. They were asked to indicate which faces appear 'kind' to them.

With the photographic images of neutral faces were presented, the judgement of the participants with ASD were mixed compared to the participants without the disorder.

But the two groups made identical judgments about the computer images of neutral faces.

When the computer image pairs contained less useful judgment clues – such as less pronounced facial features – both groups have difficulty judging the face.

The identical results suggest it is not the judgement process itself that is different in people with ASD, but the way they gather clues in the first place.


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