MeyGen plans submerged turbines off the coast of Scotland


Wind turbines are often bemoaned for their unsightly appearance, noise and danger to local wildlife - but what if we put them underwater?

That's exactly what Caithness-based company MeyGen, owned by Atlantis Resources Ltd, plan to do with their £1.6 billion ($2.6 billion) underwater turbine project.

By the end of the year they plan to install turbines off the Scottish coast and they say the technology could be used as a more environmentally friendly source of green energy in future.

Caithness company MeyGen are planning to place turbines underwater (illustration shown). By the end of the year they will begin the project at Pentland Firth, Scotland

Caithness company MeyGen are planning to place turbines underwater (illustration shown). By the end of the year they will begin the project at Pentland Firth, Scotland

The location of the turbines will be Pentland Firth, home to some of the fastest flowing marine waters in the world at 18 miles an hour.

It's thought that harnessing its energetic waters could power up to a third of Scotland.


The turbines will be lined up 525ft (160 metres) apart, weighted down by scrap metal. As the water depth in the Pentland Firth is about 130ft (40 metres), small craft will be able to sail over the area of about four square miles (10.4 square kilometres) without fear of hitting them.

When complete in 2020, the Pentland Firth project will generate enough electricity for 400,000 homes.

There are further plans to exploit the Pentland Firth over the next two decades, installing 1,000 turbines that will generate 1.6 gigawatts of energy, enough for more than a million homes. 

Because the waters are so rough, little fishing takes place and there is no danger to fish life as the blades revolve so slowly.

The turbine farm, which will be clearly marked on charts, is well away from sensitive military areas where Royal Navy submarines operate. 

The first turbines are set to be placed at the turn of the new year, with more being placed over the next few years.

Unlike wind turbines, underwater turbines would never be 'off' as there is a constant flow of water.

MeyGen's turbines are slightly smaller than their land counterparts but generate a similar amount of electricity a year - about one megawatt - and the company plans to eventually build several hundred. This would be enough to power 175,000 homes.

They rotate 12 to 14 times a minute, while compared to regular wind turbines they are slightly more 'stubby' with smaller blades.

Speaking to MailOnline, Meygen CEO Dan Pearson said he hoped Phase 1 of construction would be completed by the end of 2016.

He explained that the turbines will be about 0.9 miles (1.5km) from the shore and they will be 'on a par with wind turbines' in terms of their productivity.

'The costs are higher but this is brand new technology,' he adds. 'We have to make it work first.'

Pentland Firth is home to some of the fastest flowing marine waters in the world. However, because the waters are so rough, little fishing takes place and there is no danger to fish life as the blades revolve so slowly

Pentland Firth is home to some of the fastest flowing marine waters in the world. However, because the waters are so rough, little fishing takes place and there is no danger to fish life as the blades revolve so slowly

Meygen's technology (shown) is not entirely new, but its location is an innovative way to use tidal power, using the relatively uninhabited area of Pentland Firth to provide cheap and clean energy to the UK National Grid

Meygen's technology (shown) is not entirely new, but its location is an innovative way to use tidal power, using the relatively uninhabited area of Pentland Firth to provide cheap and clean energy to the UK National Grid

Mr Pearson is also adamant there won't be significant danger to nearby marine life.

And MeyGen's project will be in quite shallow water, meaning the turbines can be dropped down by a crane.

By the early 2020s they want to deploy up to 398 megawatts of offshore tidal stream turbines for the UK National Grid.

And there are further plans to exploit the Pentland Firth over the next two decades, installing 1,000 turbines that will generate 1.6 gigawatts of energy, enough for more than a million homes.

Each turbine (shown being lowered) is about as productive as a wind turbine, if not more. As they are underwater the water always flows and they are never 'off'. Cost will be higher but CEO Dan Pearson tells MailOnline this will reduce. By the 2020s they could have enough to power a third of Scotland.

Each turbine (shown being lowered) is about as productive as a wind turbine, if not more. As they are underwater the water always flows and they are never 'off'. Cost will be higher but CEO Dan Pearson tells MailOnline this will reduce. By the 2020s they could have enough to power a third of Scotland.


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