Nasa explains how and why it will send humans to space rock in 2020s


Last year Nasa revealed plans to capture an asteroid and bring it closer to Earth for future astronauts to study.

And in a series of new papers the agency has revealed just how - and why - it might be done.

They explain the various technologies that will be needed for such a mission, and also say that it could help save Earth from a catastrophic impact in future.

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Papers from Nasa HQ in Washington DC have revealed how the agency intends to capture an asteroid by the end of this decade. And they also explain how astronauts will visit the asteroid (illustrated) in the 2020s

Papers from Nasa HQ in Washington DC have revealed how the agency intends to capture an asteroid by the end of this decade. And they also explain how astronauts will visit the asteroid (illustrated) in the 2020s

The six papers are available from the agency at the Asteroid Initiative Related Documents page.

Nasa's ultimate goal is to send humans to Mars, and they say the Asteroid Redirect Mission (Arm) will be an important stepping stone towards getting there.

A number of new spaceflight capabilities will be tested in the 2020s as part of the mission, which will involve redirecting an asteroid to orbit the moon and sending humans to explore it. 

Nasa plans to launch an Arm robotic spacecraft to rendezvous with, capture and redirect an asteroid by the end of this decade.


The mission involves astronauts making the journey to their captive space rock by hitching a ride on the next-generation Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle.

After the Orion and the asteroid are attached, the astronauts take a spacewalk to the captured object.

Once the Orion docks with the remote-operated asteroid capture device, the crew performs a spacewalk that sees them climb almost the length of the conjoined vehicles to an exposed section of the asteroid they take photos of and scoop samples from, the video shows.

After the mission is complete, Orion returns to Earth on the same path it journeyed out on, loops around the moon included, and splashes down in an ocean - likely the Pacific - 10 days later.

The mission is seen as an important step towards eventually sending humans to Mars and returning them safely. 

The spacecraft will redirect it to a stable orbit around the moon called a 'Distant Retrograde Orbit' - one that orbits the moon very widely, coming quite close before extending out much further away.

Astronauts aboard Nasa's Orion spacecraft, launched from the upcoming Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, will then explore the asteroid in the mid-2020s at the furthest point in its controlled orbit around the moon.

Within the papers, authors explain the current work taking place across the country to examine options for these robotic and crewed missions.

This includes advanced Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) - one of the critical technologies needed to send larger payloads into deep space and to the Mars system.

SEP - or ion propulsion - creates thrust powered by solar arrays, which transforms sunlight into electromagnetic fields that accelerate and expel charged atoms (ions).

This is a very efficient way to power a spacecraft and significantly cuts down on the amount of fuel a spacecraft needs to carry, which can be heavy and expensive to launch from Earth.

Current studies at Nasa detailed in the papers are examining ways SEP will be used to power the Arm robotic mission.

Nasa is also working on two mission concepts for asteroid capture: one would fully enclose a large asteroid using an inflatable system and the other would capture a smaller boulder from of a much larger asteroid using robotic arms.

The agency will choose one of the two concepts to go ahead with later this year.


The agency is considering two options for the Asteroid Redirect Mission. One involves picking up a boulder from a large asteroid (shown) and taking it to lunar orbit, where it would be studied by astronauts

The agency is considering two options for the Asteroid Redirect Mission. One involves picking up a boulder from a large asteroid (shown) and taking it to lunar orbit, where it would be studied by astronauts

The other method would grab an asteroid in an inflatable bag (illustrated). Both mission concepts would bring their respective asteroids back to lunar orbit. Here they would be visited by astronauts aboard the Orion spacecraft. The astronauts would study the asteroid and collect samples before returning to Earth

The other method would grab an asteroid in an inflatable bag (illustrated). Both mission concepts would bring their respective asteroids back to lunar orbit. Here they would be visited by astronauts aboard the Orion spacecraft. The astronauts would study the asteroid and collect samples before returning to Earth

The Arm crewed mission, in which astronauts will explore the redirected asteroid around the moon, provides unique opportunities to test human spaceflight capabilities as well.

The papers detail current work underway at Nasa to upgrade spacesuits in preparation for the first spacewalks in deep space since the 1960s and farther from Earth than ever before.

Concepts for new hardware to dock the crewed and uncrewed spacecraft together are also in development.

This will allow the crew aboard Orion to attach to the Arm robotic spacecraft and study the asteroid.

This could be later used to connect Orion with a deep space habitat or 'stepping stone' on its way to Mars, or even station cargo and fuel depots in strategic places such as lunar orbit.

Astronauts returning home with samples from Mars will hold a treasure trove of research scientists will study to unlock new knowledge about Mars and the solar system's history.


Various techniques for deflecting a potentially hazardous asteroid could be tested on Arm to enable planetary defense capabilities.

These techniques include Ion Beam Deflection, Enhanced Gravity Tractor, and kinetic impactors.

In Ion Beam Deflection, the plumes from the thrusters would be directed towards the asteroid to gently push on its surface over a wide area. A thruster firing in the opposite direction would be needed to keep the spacecraft at a constant distance from the asteroid.

The Ion Beam Deflection approach is independent of the size of the asteroid, and it could be demonstrated on either mission option. 

In the Enhanced Gravity Tractor approach, the spacecraft would first pick up a boulder from the asteroid's surface as in mission Option B. The spacecraft with the collected boulder would then orbit in a circular halo around the asteroid's velocity vector. 

The mass of the boulder coupled with the mass of the spacecraft would increase the gravitational attraction between the spacecraft and the asteroid. 

By flying the spacecraft in close formation with the asteroid for several months the very small gravitational forces would produce a measurable change in the asteroid's trajectory.

A kinetic impactor could also be launched as a secondary payload with the spacecraft or on a separate launch vehicle, and it would collide with the target asteroid at high velocity while the spacecraft observed the impact. 


Nasa is currently developing the huge Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, illustration shown, which will be the largest rocket ever when it flies later this decade. SLS is seen as a vital component for a future mission to Mars as a large lifting capability will needed to take all the equipment required for such a mission

Nasa is currently developing the huge Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, illustration shown, which will be the largest rocket ever when it flies later this decade. SLS is seen as a vital component for a future mission to Mars as a large lifting capability will needed to take all the equipment required for such a mission

Nasa says this the Asteroid Redirect Mission is an important way to test new technologies that will be needed for an eventual mission to Mars (illustrated). It could also help us test the methods that would be needed to redirect a planet-destroying asteroid if one was heading towards Earth

Nasa says this the Asteroid Redirect Mission is an important way to test new technologies that will be needed for an eventual mission to Mars (illustrated). It could also help us test the methods that would be needed to redirect a planet-destroying asteroid if one was heading towards Earth

As well as this, returning asteroid samples will help Nasa develop tools and techniques for future space exploration.

This early experience with raw materials could also help advance our ability to make use of natural resources in space.

Rocky bodies like asteroids and our moon could hold enough oxygen and hydrogen to create breathable air, drinkable water or even components for rocket fuel. 

There also is growing interest in the commercial space industry to potentially mine asteroids for resources in the future.

With this in mind some of the papers outline ways in which Arm might benefit future commercial activities at asteroids - namely collecting resources for use back on Earth or in space.

The Asteroid Redirect Mission will provide humans with the first chance to study asteroids in situ space. After the mission is completed the astronauts will return safely to Earth (illustrated)

The Asteroid Redirect Mission will provide humans with the first chance to study asteroids in situ space. After the mission is completed the astronauts will return safely to Earth (illustrated)


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