Can selfies save Microsofts phone plans Firm set to unveil Lumia handset with 5 megapixel front facing camera


Microsoft's hardware chief gave employees a sneak peek at a 'selfie' phone featuring a 5 megapixel forward-facing camera at an internal meeting this week.

Stephen Elop, the former Nokia CEO who now runs Microsoft's devices business, showed off the phone in front of thousands at the company's annual employee meeting in Seattle on Monday.

The 4.7 inch (11.9 cm) screen 'selfie' phone, plus another high-end Windows Phone, are expected to launch soon, according to tech news site The Verge, which first reported the news.

Stephen Elop hopes a 'selfie' version of the Lumia handset with a 5 megapixel front facing camera could boost the popularity of Windows phones.

Stephen Elop hopes a 'selfie' version of the Lumia handset with a 5 megapixel front facing camera could boost the popularity of Windows phones.


More than 40per cent of people aged 18 to 34 take at least one selfie every week - and a large amount are re-touching them, too.

According to Sony, the top things people re-touch before posting an image of themselves is skin blemishes (33per cent), face shape (16per cent), skin tone (15per cent), eye size (5per cent), lips (5per cent) and eye color (4per cent).

Just 2per cent of people said they never re-touch their selfies.

The 5 megapixel camera on the front of the device is much more powerful than Apple Inc's iPhone 5, with a 1.2 megapixel front camera, and the Microsoft phone's screen is larger, making it better-suited for users who want to take pictures of themselves.


Microsoft is jumping on the selfie bandwagon after rival Samsung launched the Galaxy K Zoom earlier this year.

The 'selfie' craze, or taking a picture of yourself and friends, hit its peak earlier this year when Ellen DeGeneres posted a shot of Hollywood luminaries at the Academy Awards which became the most popular message ever on Twitter.

Oxford Dictionaries named 'selfie' its word of the year in 2013.

Selfies have become incredibly popular - Oxford Dictionaries even named 'selfie' its word of the year in 2013.

Selfies have become incredibly popular - Oxford Dictionaries even named 'selfie' its word of the year in 2013.

The second handset is codenamed 'Tesla,' and recently appeared in leaked images.

Elop described the Tesla handset as an 'affordable high-end phone' with a PureView camera, which in previous versions have boasted a huge 41 megapixel camera.


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