The drug that could 'reset' the immune system: Researchers hail trial that could help diabetes sufferers


A cocktail of two drugs can reset the immune system of diabetes sufferers and restore their ability to produce insulin, it has been claimed.

Researchers say the treatment is 'like hitting the reset button' and describe the results of the first trial - albeit one with only 17 participants - as profound.

They hope the trial could lead to a new treatment for those with Type 1 diabetes.

Combining two different medications could help patients with Type 1 diabetes at least partially regain the ability to produce their own insulin, the team say.

Combining two different medications could help patients with Type 1 diabetes at least partially regain the ability to produce their own insulin, the team say.


In 2012, 29.1 million Americans, or 9.3% of the population, had diabetes.

It was the seventh leading cause of death in the United States in 2010.

In 2012, the total costs of diagnosed diabetes in the United States was $245 billion

After adjusting for population age and sex differences, average medical expenditures among people with diagnosed diabetes were 2.3 times higher than what expenditures would be in the absence of diabetes.

Combining two different medications could help patients with Type 1 diabetes at least partially regain the ability to produce their own insulin, the University of Florida study has shown.

Dr. Michael Haller, a pediatric endocrinologist, likens his approach to treating Type 1 diabetes to a game of cops and robbers.

First, he ferrets out problematic cells of the immune system that could be behind a patient's inability to produce insulin and wipes them out with a medication called Thymoglobulin, a drug initially developed for use in organ transplantation.

Then he uses a medication called Neulasta, a drug designed to improve the lives of people with certain forms of cancer, to stimulate the production of new and potentially beneficial immune cells.

Haller presented the results of the study on Sunday at the annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association in San Francisco.


'The treatment is almost like trying to hit the reset button on the immune system,' Haller said.

'We're trying to wipe out the bad cells and stimulate the good cells at the same time.'


Haller treated 17 adult Type 1 diabetes patients for two weeks with the cocktail therapy and then followed them for a year.

Another eight patients were given a placebo.

The drug could help reverse the effects of Type 1 diabetes, meaning patients will not need to inject insulin (pictured)

The drug could help reverse the effects of Type 1 diabetes, meaning patients will not need to inject insulin (pictured)

By the end of the year, the patients treated with the cocktail had increased their ability to produce insulin.

This indicates that the Thymoglobulin was successful in killing the bad immune system cells, and the Neulasta was successful in stimulating new, healthy immune cells.

The researchers also say the patients' ability to produce insulin indicates they had an increase in beta cells, the cells responsible for producing insulin in the pancreas.

'The treatment seemed to stimulate insulin production in people with established Type 1 diabetes made the researchers 'cautiously optimistic,'' Mark Atkinson, a co-investigator in the study, said.

'The results that Dr. Haller saw in his first study are profound.'

The study was also novel in that it worked with patients who had been long diagnosed with the disease.

Typically, studies examine patients who are newly diagnosed and still have a reasonable number of beta cells producing insulin.

The patients in Haller's study had been living with Type 1 diabetes between four months and two years.

'The model has mostly been to test therapies aimed at beta cell preservation in people who have just been diagnosed,' Haller said.

'But obviously, the majority of patients living with the disease have been living with the disease for a long time, so people become disenfranchised from the research process.

'We're interested in making life better for these patients.'

Co-investigator Dr. Desmond Schatz said: 'Despite tremendous strides in our understanding of the natural history of Type 1 diabetes, we are as yet unable to cure and prevent the disease,' Schatz said.

'This study is a step in that direction, toward a biological cure.'


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