Dog lovers tend to be more 'dominant and discriminatory'


Dog owners are more likely to be dominant (illustrated) and to accept social inequality between social groups, a study claims

Dog owners are more likely to be dominant (illustrated) and to accept social inequality between social groups, a study claims

The battle between dog and cat owners has taken a new turn.

A survey of 500 U.S adults has discovered that 'dog people' are typically more dominant and comfortable with social hierarchy, than their cat-loving counterparts.

It also suggests canine owners are more likely to accept social inequality between social groups, too.

The study, carried out by the University of Melbourne, made these conclusions because dog lovers were found to be more competitive than cat lovers, and scored higher on 'social dominance orientation,' (SDO) in surveys.

This personality trait is linked with group-based discrimination, and people who score higher on the scale are more likely to 'expect, accept and endorse social inequality'.

Nick Haslam, Professor of Psychology at University of Melbourne surveyed over 500 adults to examine individuals' dominance-related personality traits.

In both surveys, which are to be published in the journal Anthrozoos, dog lovers scored higher for SDO.

Interestingly, women scored lower than men and were more likely to be cat lovers, but dog people were typically more dominant.

Researchers think that those scoring higher in the SDO trait prefer dogs to cats because they are more comfortable with hierarchical relationships, and can order their dog around.


A recent study by psychology experts at Ghent University, Belgium and Brock University in Ontario, found people who are more dominant have a tendency to believe humans are superior to animals, and therefore more likely to accept animal exploitation.

This may fit in with a stereotypical view of man's relationship with his best friend, as while dogs are perceived as being loyal, they are also easily trained and manipulated unlike more independent or fickle cats.

During tests, dog owners scored higher for social dominance orientation - a trait associated with prejudice. The researchers think people scoring higher in the trait prefer dogs to cats (pictured) because they are more comfortable with hierarchical relationships. A cat will often ignore its owner

During tests, dog owners scored higher for social dominance orientation - a trait associated with prejudice. The researchers think people scoring higher in the trait prefer dogs to cats (pictured) because they are more comfortable with hierarchical relationships. A cat will often ignore its owner


A study by Carroll University, Wisconsin recently found cat owners scored more highly on an intelligence test than dog owners.

Dog lovers tend to be more energetic and outgoing than cat owners and follow rules more obediently.

Psychology professor Denise Guastello said cat owners are more introverted, sensitive and open-minded than dog people. They also tend to be better at breaking rules.

She thinks that the reason for these differences if the types of environment that cat and dog owners are drawn to.

A survey conducted by Time magazine earlier this year, found that people with conservative political beliefs prefer dogs.

Psychologist Jonathan Haidt stressed that 'loving cats may not make a person a liberal, but it does increase the odds that a person already is one.'

He analysed data from over 220,000 readers who took a seemingly random test to guess their political preferences.

The survey is seemingly backed up by a piece of research by the American Veterinary Medical Association, which found that nine out of 10 U.S. states with the highest amount of pet dogs voted Republican, while nine out of 10 states with the least amount of pet dogs opted for the Democrats.

Chihuahuas (pictured) cause more damage than any other dog breed, a survey claims. The tiny dog causes an average of £866 worth of damage over its lifetime, proving that dog owners may have dominant personalities, but they can't always be in complete control

Chihuahuas (pictured) cause more damage than any other dog breed, a survey claims. The tiny dog causes an average of £866 worth of damage over its lifetime, proving that dog owners may have dominant personalities, but they can't always be in complete control


While dog owners may arguably be more dominant than cat lovers, some do not have complete control over their pets.

The Chihuahua may be one of the smallest dog breeds but its appetite for destruction is larger than any other, a study has revealed.

Over its lifetime, the tiny terrors will cause an average of £865 worth of damage by ripping or staining carpets, scratching or chewing sofas and digging up plants and flowerbeds.

In contrast, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, which are perceived as fierce by many people, make the best pets as they cause the least amount of damage, costing around £178 in total.

'Chihuahuas may be tiny but it seems they will leave you with a bigger bill than any other dog,' a spokesman for Sussex-based financial comparison site, said.

The study of 2,000 dog owners found that the Dachshund, Boxer, Dalmatian, Bulldog, Great Dane, Husky, Beagle, Pointer and German Shepherd make up the rest of the top 10 most destructive dogs.

Staffordshire Bull Terriers cause the least damage and were followed by West Highland Terriers which cause around £183 worth of destruction over their lives.

Third place went to Yorkshire Terriers with a bill of £227 followed by a Spaniel's £230 and Whippet's £251.


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