The car with a TEEN safe mode: Chevrolet fits parental controls in its Malibu model

comments A mixture of inexperience and the desire to impress in a car can be a catastrophic for teenage drivers.This is reflected in statistics showing that adolescents are at a much higher risk of crashing than their parents.In a bid...

Are giant CURTAINS of water erupting on Saturn's moon Enceladus? 'Phantom jets' on the surface may be an optical illusion

comments Jets of water on Saturn's moon Enceladus might be an optical illusion, researchers have claimed.Instead, they propose a more exciting explanation - the jets are actually folds in much larger 'curtains' of water erupting from the...

Google Search tips Cameron to win election - and Nigel Farage's Ukip will beat Labour and the Liberal Democrats

comments As the UK votes in today's General Election, Google has published a map that plots which political parties and their respective leaders are dominating internet searches across the country.Data experts analysed Google search data...

Eureka! Pictures capture moment wild gorilla works out how to use tools - the first time behaviour has ever been seen in the primates

comments For the first time, a gorilla in the wild has been seen using tools - using a stick to capture and then eat ants.Previously the behaviour had only been seen in chimpanzees.Researchers were observing one of eight mountain gorilla...

Curiosity rover captures MARS' blue sky as our star sets on its horizon

comments Spend long enough exploring the red planet, and you may be treated to a glorious blue sunset.That exactly what the Curiosity rover saw recently, after it captured stunning views of the sun disappearing from Mars' horizon.The images...